AC recharge


New member
Hey all. I did have one more question for the day...

I need to recharge my AC. I was thinking about getting one of those do it yourself kits that you just screw on and pull the trigger until it gets to the right position. Has anyone ever used one of those before, or is there a better way?

Is this the one with the little blue hose that attaches to the 12 oz cans of R134 and has a little round plastic gauge that has red/blue/yellow color markings?
I have never seen one with a trigger!
If you plan on only having AC for a couple of summers, I guess it would be OK but would probably ruin the compressor especially if those 12 oz cans had some gunk that stops leaks!
If you plan on keeping the Jeep it is a bad move.
Got to find the leak, repair it, pull a vacuum and then recharge by weight.
Best bet would be to find a friend with expertise and equipment or an AC shop.
Good Luck!
self kits are ok just to top off , but not if you got a leak ,dont use that self sealing crap find fix leak most likley a rubber seal in one of lines or a pin hole in condencer after you fix leak I would have system evaked to remove air than repurged and charged by a a/c shop with the right equipment. recharging system with air will not blow cold air or work properly causing a more pain in the ass prob and yes those little cans suck never fully sealing input valve while chargeing with the 5 cent hose they give you allowing air in system