A Winter Lightning Snow Storm!


New member
Denver experienced a Winter lightning storm Friday night that hit close to home for me. Very close to home. 3 houses away.

I had seen a bright light in the street to the east of us. It was odd but when I looked out everything seemed normal.

Then it happened again. This one was closer. Molly (the dog) and Bowie (the blind cat) reacted to it. We could hear a rumble soon after this one.

The third one caused me to go to the window and throw it open. Definitely lightning and thunder. Close, too. Thunder sounded soon after.

The next one almost threw me off the couch. It was very loud and percussive. Things turned off. I had no idea what had happened. I thought the electronics all burnt in the house.

I checked the circuit breakers and saw that 4 of them had blown When I was outside there was a strong smell of ozone. I will probably have to change the sattelite feed line to the downstairs DTV receiver. Neighbors directly next door to the affected house had severe electrical problems. One had a burned out TV and on the other side smaller problems.

Suddenly the street came alive while the smell of ozone changed to a smell of smoke. There were cop cars ablaze with lights up and down Floyd Avenue to the North of my house.

It seems that the house 3 houses down was on fire. The lightning hit the tree outside their house. It simultaneously went to ground and over to their gas meter and to their roof.

Then there were police cars, ambulances and fire engines. It was an intense hour or so of drama.

The videos will take you off-site to my Photobucket account. Notice the snow falling in the lights of the fire truck.

Damage was not very extreme and our neighbors were not home when it
happened. Repairs will be needed before they can move back into the house. Excel Energy was out the next day digging up the natural gas feed line to the house.

Pretty scary.

I've never even heard of a winter lightning storm. Colorado must be one whacked out place. It's going to be 75 here in Virgina Beach, if you'd like me to make room for you :)

Seriously though, I'm glad nobody got hurt.
It's going to be 75 here in Virgina Beach, if you'd like me to make room for you :)

Not to high jack this thread...but...its only going to be in the mid 30's today with snow in the morning...do you possibly have room for a very cold Utahan as well?

Cewtwo glad to hear your ok...sorry for your neighbor though.
It seems that the house 3 houses down was on fire. The lightning hit the tree outside their house. It simultaneously went to ground and over to their gas meter and to their roof.

A similar situation happened last year in my fire company's response area. The homeowners weren't home, lightning struck a tree or the ground outside the house, the energy traveled through the natural gas lines into the house and started a fire in the basement ceiling. Luckily the house had one of those security/fire alarm systems installed, the kind you'd get through ADT, Brinks, or a slew of other vendors. Once it was all said and done, we had torn apart about 1/3 of the basement ceiling to extinguish the hotspots, and the fire had burned a hole through the flooring of the kitchen area. Things could have been a lot worse. Don't you just love lightning?

Terry - No offense but I just love Colorado too much to leave.

Winter lightning storms are not uncommon. It is pretty odd to see lightning and thunder during a snowstorm. It does happen a few time a year!
We had some bad storms in the south last night. I awoke to a tornado siren at 3:30 a.m. this morning and huddle the family in our hideout. The news said someone had spotted one headed directly toward my area. Thank God it didn't hit. It was one of the most intense lightning storms I have ever seen. MSN reports 52 people killed in the storm.
Red glad you were not hit last night. We had some pretty strong storms and tornados come through AL last night.

Talking about the lighting during a snow storm... back in ''93 when AL got hit with 18" of snow there was a news station doing a live shot outside when we received lighting and thunder during a snow storm. Needless to say it scared the new guys half to death. They still show that news track sometimes because the news guy jumped so bad when it hit. :purple:


Did you see the TOP GEAR episode where they sent the hosts through Alabama with (umm... err..) interesting things written on the side of the vehicles?

BBC America - Top Gear

One funny show!
Ended up that the storm knocked out the cable to my downstairs DirecTV receiver. I'll have to replace it soon!