south442 said: your lack of response to TC's post, I'm guessing that you are in agreement that there is no proof for your position, Sparky? Most know that it is just a theory. You've been asked over and over to show some proof and the above quote is all you've given. Very mature.
Yes, I know there is no hard scientific proof that it is genetic. There are more articles on both sides of the genetic issue than I could read in a lifetime, but neither side shows any real proof that it is or isn't a genetic trait, simply theories, as TC said.
Why go through all of this? Because I'm bored with all the crap rhetoric around here, and the lengths some people will go to in order to show that they are all-knowing and that their opinion is
always the right opinion to have. I threw the bait out in the 17th post to the subject on the first page, knowing full well who would bite and prove their infinite desire to be superior:
Sparky-Watts said:
Science has already proven beyond a doubt that homosexuality is not an acquired trait as some believe, rather a genetic "defect", for lack of a better word.
Who will be first to post a link to contradict that comment about science? We could post links all day long from both sides, but that is my belief from what I have read, and yes, I have read both sides of that argument. The "Gay by Choice" argument doesn't hold water, so let's not get into that debate again.
Actually, I'm surprised it took TC 42 posts before he actually posted any links at all to support his ego, errr, ummm...opinion.

urple: I think he's slipping!:lol:
It just never ceases to amaze me what lengths people will go to in order to persuade someone that they are
always right and only their opinions matter. For those of you who took the bait hook, line, and sinker, I thank you for breaking the boredom and monotony of an otherwise dismal and uneventful few days! God I love being an arsehole!!!

urple: Look how far off the original topic I was able to pull you!! As I understand it, Ute's question was whether it was right or wrong to refuse to show a movie about gay caballeros, not whether homosexuality was a sin, whether it was a sickness, a choice, a way of life, or a cult that people can be "recruted" into (I gotta be honest, 90Xjay, that was perhaps the funniest response I have ever heard on the subject in my life).
You know what they say about arguing on the internet.....



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