A little advice


VT Hokie
So my girlfriend and I broke up last night, and I need some direction. I really don't have a clue what to do now, I was with her for two years and a couple months. I'm 19, a freshman in college, and right now I'm still a little bit in awe, or shock probably is the better term, but what do you do after you come out of a relationship like that?
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Umm... Err...


And then more beer?
Hahahaha, whatever the heck you want to!!!

19, single... not a bad thing my man, not a bad thing at all ;)
Guess that depends on what kinda terms you broke up on. If you're looking to get even or just pi$$ her off then I would go out and find a better looking one right away and let her see you two together. Nothin will make her more mad than to see she's been replaced so quickly.

I'm with cewtwo; however, it never hurts to shoot up some furniture or a large kitchen appliance either.
Well my friend, I'd say that it depends on the type of person you are. You'll get a lot of people telling you to play the field, drink, etc etc. But what kinda person are you? Are you the type to respond in vengence, party, or move on? I'd say, do whatever you think would be most constructive for you. There's plenty of time to find a soul mate.

Personally, sowing my oats was the response I had. I know I wouldn't have graduated from college had I not broken up with my ex. So, in my case, the break up was a good thing, regardless of how badly it felt initially. I got to have fun, party, and also concentrate on school. Took me a while to realize there are plenty of girls out there.

This is a great time age-wise to explore and find yourself. You may want to play! You may want to buckle down and kick arse at that engineering program you are in. Either way, don't do anything self-destructive, which I'm sure you wouldn't do anyway...right?

Good luck.
keep an open mind - go hang out with new people but don't forget about old friends. maybe this little break-up thing is just temporary and you guys will get back together. certainly don't burn any bridges and hopefully she'll treat you with respect as well.
jay79cj7 said:
My friend, you don't need a steady girlfriend in college.
seriously. i know it probably sucks cause you were together for so long, but being single and in college is not a bad thing by any means.

I remember what it was like to be 19 and single. I thought it was the end of the world. I didn't meet my true love until I was almost 35, and now I couldn't be happier. All that time between 19 and 35 was a heckuva journey, full of ups and downs, but all in all, I enjoyed the heck out of it!!
This doesn't mean you can't be friends with benefits. College is usually loaded with EZ rebounds. You could probably use this experience to get some hotties to feel sorry for you (don't use that unless you have to). Pull some new wool and see if that makes you feel better in the meantime.

Being single and college was awesome... enjoy it.
currupt4130 said:
So my girlfriend and I broke up last night, and I need some direction. I really don't have a clue what to do now, I was with her for two years and a couple months. I'm 19, a freshman in college, and right now I'm still a little bit in awe, or shock probably is the better term, but what do you do after you come out of a relationship like that?
That only happened to me once. I felt a lot better after I slept with her best friend two weeks later. A long night of grudge sex will do you some good.
Don't worry about it dude. You're young and there are a lot of women out there.
redrooster said:
That only happened to me once. I felt a lot better after I slept with her best friend two weeks later. A long night of grudge sex will do you some good.
Don't worry about it dude. You're young and there are a lot of women out there.

This is the best advice yet! Hahaha :lol:

On a lighter not I did get dragged to a club by 6 girls last night, got to dance all over the one who my ex gave me the ultimatum about, so I think I'm slowly getting over this. :lol:

the one who my ex gave me the ultimatum about,

so you've had another girl lined up all along, your (now) ex-gf knew about her, and even gave you an ultimatum "about" her...? the drama unfolds... what was your ultimatum exactly?

the drama unfolds...
getting draged out by 6 girls eh? doesnt sound like you'll have a problem for long. I personally have a phone number i can call if a relationship doesnt work out. although recently i belive he's moved out of town (we dont really keep tabs on each other) but i have friends where one night things just... well happened and i know if i need to be lifted out of a rutt i can call them and they'll literally lift my spirts.
antsinmypants said:
getting draged out by 6 girls eh? doesnt sound like you'll have a problem for long. I personally have a phone number i can call if a relationship doesnt work out. although recently i belive he's moved out of town (we dont really keep tabs on each other) but i have friends where one night things just... well happened and i know if i need to be lifted out of a rutt i can call them and they'll literally lift my spirts.

Seriously Kim, quit blowing up my cell!

dingus said:
so you've had another girl lined up all along, your (now) ex-gf knew about her, and even gave you an ultimatum "about" her...? the drama unfolds... what was your ultimatum exactly?

the drama unfolds...

No, she didn't like that I just hung out with her a lot. This girl smokes which i dont, and drinks alot more than i do which wouldnt work out at all