99 TJ Rear Diff Problems


New member
PASmokeater came in a limping with a hole in the rear dif cover on his 99 TJ the other day. I had to work so was not with him on the trail and when he removed it to JB Weld it till a new cover arives there was a chunk in there looks like a tooth to me. He said it clicked a bit in the turns on the drive home but after the cover was repaired and refilled with gear oil it seems to have stoped the clicking ect.... Oh yea the hole was made from the inside out. Any ideas as to where to lead him now. Onece the new Dif cover gets here we will open clean and inspect closer. thanks in advance tug

i would say that the hole was made by a ring tooth or carrier gear if the hole was made from the inside out. cant see what else might cuase such destruction.
if it only clicked during turns... i'm guessing it would be from a spider gear, which only turns when the wheels are turning at different speeds... i blew my ring and pinion last year.. it would drive.. but when slowing down... clunk clunk clunk, SLAM, clunk clunk... i'm gonna go with the spider theory on that
i would check the tooth.... if the teeth are fine check the carrier cross pin, there should be a small bolt that holds the pin in place, i have seen the head of the bolt break off, dont know why that happens but it happened to me and 4 of my friends with jeeps.

SPIDER GEARS :!: i had that happen to me..repaired it and it ahppened again so i threw a locker in and havnt had a problem since
NO Locker total stock. Spider was my 1st guess as well. As soon as he gets the new diff cover we will get in there and look for the problem! Thanks for the in put to all. tug

hey how would a locker make a difference other than eliminating the spider gears? is it possible for a locker to mess up the rear diff? im about to buy an automatic locker and i dont want to be running into any trouble when i get this all together.....
a locker eliminates the spider gears, and is more of a larger mass with larger, stronger parts... though, some lockers DO have some very small parts to toss apart