
New member
:cry: I have a 98 Jeep Cherokee Classic- 4x4 - 89000mi. Just had it in for inspection, tire rotation,oil change and coolant servie. TOld them it makes a rubbing/clicking/grinding sound intermittently on braking. GOt it back said not brakes, not hub. Drove it a few days and could feel "banging". They took it back and said my bushings need lubrication. Got it back and now I have this original rubbing/clicking sound all the time. They now say it's a bad front rear and very expensive to replace. What is the front rear? The 4 wheel drive? Is it ok to drive not fixed? Is this worth fixing?
Help. I love my Jeep.

ldurham said:
They now say it's a bad front rear and very expensive to replace. What is the front rear?


I have no clue what a "front rear" is. Not sure I've ever heard of that :? The closest thing I can think of off the top of my head is a front Rotor (braking component), maybe that's it?
Maybe they were trying to say something about the front and rear gearing?

Rotors can and do wear and could cause vibrations and noise but aren't all that expensive or hard to replace...

-Nick :!:
By "front rear" do you mean the front axle? When someone just simply refers to their Jeep's "rear" they mean the rear axle.

That's my best guess.
TwistedCopper said:
When someone just simply refers to their Jeep's "rear" they mean the rear axle.

True. So maybe "Front Rear" refers to both the axles. If both had problems that would be expensive :shock:

TOld them it makes a rubbing/clicking/grinding sound intermittently

I'm sure it isn't fun having a noisy rear... :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

Either you misunderstood them, or they don't know what they hell they're talking about. If that's the case, take it somewhere else.
New member, requests tech help

:wink: It was explained to me that the "front Rear" is the 4 wheel drive unit". They said that when they took it off my Jeep didn't have the noise. Put it back and there it is. I guess it's part of the main axel. I have no clue other than what I am reading from you guys who know Jeeps and mechanics. Too bad you're not here. The main thing is that now I don't trust my Jeep nor the people I took it to so I deicided last night to go buy a new Jeep. Solves my problem but makes me so sad as i loved my Cherokee :(
Thanks for all your comments - know of any really good Jeep people in Phila, PA??????

I'd have to agree with Bounty on this, I don't think they know what the hell they're talking about.

The "4 wheel drive unit" is the Transfer Case . No "front rear" about it! :P
Don't give up on your Cherokee just because someone else is incompetent... instead learn how to fix it yourself. It really pays off in peace of mind and in your wallet to do the work yourself and know it is done right! :mrgreen:

Best of Luck

thank you all for your feedback.I wish I knew how to fix stuff on my jeep but I don't nor do I have the facilities or the tools. I fix computers for a living but I'm thinking that maybe I ought to take up mechanics too. Anyway the guy I thought was a honest mechanic has changed my thinking I will look for a new one. I had a really nice Cherokee that I will surely miss but I will love my new Jeep too. May take time but at least I know this one is good to go for a while. :D Are there any women Jeep mechanics out there?
:) A 2004 Jeep Libery - it's not my Cherokee but it's still a Jeep. I really like the Unlimited Jeep Wrangeler but not practical for me. The Liberty will work for now. I am still a Jeepster at heart!