96 GCL Electrical Probs


New member
Was driving home the other night with lights on, and the primary lights went out, but the flashers took over by themselves. I was able to flip the light switch off & back on (as my heart revved along with my brain) and got back to normal headlights. It happened again before I got home and I resolved it the same way. Any idea for the cause? Wiring harness, fuse or ghost attack? Also, about a month ago the systems console quit working, and the dash lights have intermittently been blinking bright to dull for quite some time. All help is appreciated.

Do you drive past UFO's often? My first guess would be a ground problem. Especially seeing your dash lights "dim" but not out. Why the flashers would take off by themselves confuses me. Maybe someone else might have some thoughts before you chase the ground ghost too far.
Haven't seen nighttime UFO's in years. I was behind a school bus & wondered what the kids would think I was trying to do. But, on a 2 lane rural highway @ 60MPH it was creepy. Beyond the info console being blank, other interior lights seem to be OK. Fortunately, I don't have to drive often at night.
Check the main grounds like Brad advised and also the connectors and wirings to the body control module located under the steering column, behind the knee blocker.