92 Wragler Blown Head Gasket


New member
I got a 92 Wrangler thats got the straight six in it. And from what i have been told its got a blown head gasket. Its just been sitting not running now for about 6 months and i got the money now to fix the problem but im not sure what route i should go. Any suggestions? btw i dont really have the means to do it on my own since i dont have a garage to do it in right now sadly. Maybe trying to find someone to help out too if they'res anyone in Seattle / Tacoma area willing to do some work with me plz let me know. or willing to do the work for some cash money let me know. I was thinking either replacement of the engine, not sure if i should go new or old or which kind of engine i should put in it. or just a rebuild of whats there. Any input is greatly appriciated! Thanks everyone!

Head gasket on a 4.0 is actually pretty easy to do. it can be done with a couple hand tools and nothing else, The only specialized tool you will need is a torque wrench.. you don't even have to take the fuel line off. I would say someone with no experience could do it in a day. (this is assuming the head is not warped) if the head is warped from over heating then then ideally the block needs to be decked and head brought to true by a machine shop. Did any coolant get into the combustion chaimbers? is the oil milky? if so it would be good idea to have the entire block rebuilt.
The head warp is the main concern, but a trip to a good salvage yard with a strait edge solves that. If it was leaking bad, and you let the coolant sit in a cylinder to long it could corrode, so you'll have to hone it maybe. It is a pretty easy job over all. The main problem I had with mine was the exhaust didnt line up like it was suppost to, but a little heat from a torch convinced it to fit again.
I got all the tools to do it. and maybe the know how. i've torn a jeep down to the frame and back again, but i rarely play with the engine. always to afraid to screw something up. Any idea where i could find a solid how to on what to do as far as tearing it down, replacing the head gasket and puttin it back together again with the right torque specs and what not.?