89 Cherokee question


New member
I sure would appreciate anyone's help on figuring out a challenge with an 89 Cherokee, 4.0 L, in line 6 cyl. It sat all winter, started up OK, then would not restart. Fuel is getting into the crankcase. I have unhooked the injector sensor (elect. unit on top of each injector) removed plugs and turned over engine with key on. No fuel coming into the cylinders. I am figuring this might mean that the injectors are not being held open with either dirt or other debri. When I put the injector sensors back on, turn motor over, the cylinders again flood with fuel.
Have you ever seen a similar problem? Could this be the computer?
Your site was highly recommended by a gentleman who is a member.
Thank you,

The injectors wont work if the plug on top of them is disconnected. Try checking for spark cause it sounds like its getting fuel.
Yes, gas is coming out of the injectors at such a rate that not only do the cylinders flood with fuel but if finds ways to mix with the oil in the crankcase. I have drained it in preparation of if and when it will start. With no power to the injector, it does not put fuel into the cylinder. When power is put to the injector it then floods the cylinder. Thanks for asking

Check the engine harness for chaffed wires or short to voltage. If you don't find anything wrong with the wiring, then it's quite possible that the ECU is causing the injectors to stay open. I will try to do some more research on this issue and see what test we can do to verify the failure of a component.