85 CJ7 Won't start...


New member
Hi all,

Im new to Jeeps and the forum. The other day, I installed a new choke pull off and a stock air cleaner. The old choke pull off was all "brown" and the old air cleaner was MIA. It started fine and I was able to drive it a little ways but then it cut off and wouldn't start back up. With help from a passerby, I pushed it in to a parking lot. I took off the air cleaner lid and she finally started and I made it to my destination without any more problems. 30 mins later, I couldn't get it to start again. After about 2 more hours, it started again but I only got a block before it cut off. I took the air cleaner all the way off but but still haven't been able to get it started again. Today I changed the fuel filter because it was mentioned on a diff forum as a potential problem. Thoughts, ideas and advice are all much appreciated!

Double check the choke adjustment. Make sure that the butterfly on the carburator is fully opened when the choke is disengaged. A good indication if the choke is the culprit would be a fuel saturated spark plugs or a rich burn mark on the electrodes of the spark plugs.
Double check the choke adjustment. Make sure that the butterfly on the carburator is fully opened when the choke is disengaged. A good indication if the choke is the culprit would be a fuel saturated spark plugs or a rich burn mark on the electrodes of the spark plugs.

Can you dumb it down a bit for me, please? :???:
Not on my CJ, but on my van with with a YF 1V carb, buildup near the choke plate caused the butterfly to actually stick in the closed position. Took a while to find this out on account of the Rube Goldberg air cleaner found on old Ford vans with the 300 motor.