I think I have a possible problem with my 79 cj7. For starters I don't have much experience with 4 wheel/ axle,hub lockers. Here's the problem at hand. I feel like it's not locking the front wheels. I bought this jeep last spring, played with it once in the yard, got all 4 to dig into the grass,never put it in 4 wheel again till today. after turning the hubs and trying the 4 wheel out had a loud pop sound in the hub area.(drivers side) now its not doing what it did the one time back in the spring. the jeep is pretty rough and I don't drive it much. Had to put a radiator in it today, try'd to pull it out and the trans was locked up, got it undone? not sure what was going on there, but I thought now's a good time to try the rest out and its got issues, i can see the front drive shaft turning not sure about the axle. Its been a few months since last started/drove and its real cold here. I have not put it on jack stands yet to test. any in site would be great, thanks Aaron.