2K Rear end woes........


Hello folks,

I was browsing thru here looking for some help. My wife has a 2K Wrangler 4cyl with 40k on it, I got in it the other day and heard a god- aweful noise coming from what I think is the rear end. I brought it down to a shop and they basically said "get it to the dealership, its drivetrain related." It sounds like a a steady grind above 10mph or so, and the guy I brought it to thinks it may be the carrier bearing. Has anyone else had these issues? How much am I going to get boned for??

Thanks in advance.....



Dealership might be a good bet, the drive train guarantee was (is?) transferable and goes for alot of years. If they refuse, or want to soak you for labor or such, the job isn´t that complicated, parts around $60 and about four hours taking your time for the carrier bearings. I can give you some good tips, if you decide to try it yourself. Every Jeep I´ve had since they have started using the 35C rear end has had carrier bearings go out, but usually around 100 thou, have also seen badly tempered spider gears (premature wear). They always say it´s the customers fault for not changing the diff. oils, I´ve got news for them, I change diff oils at least every other year and it´s never seemed to help much. Poor quality control.[addsig]