2' BB Lift


New member
ok-I installed the 2" coil spring spacers last Sunday-I did not do alignment,planned on doing that today.My Jeep was perfectly fine before,no issues.Long story short,I encountered extreme death wobble.There is so much controversy over the cause of this!I removed the lift after the second time in two days of this!I understand that the only adjustment you can perform on a TJ is toe in,and you have to install adjustable cam bolts in order to adjust caster.I also understand that the track bar is part of the problem.My question is-what do I have to do in order to make this work properly?Since I have removed the spacers,the death wobble is gone,but now I still have a strange vibration around 65-70 m.p.h.!What do I do to get it right?

DW is very common after a BB lift unless you immediately have an alignment and tire balance. This includes the installation of caster bolts in the lower control arms and maxing out the caster adjustment.

The 65-70mph vibe sounds like a tire balance issue and is likely what led to the DW at lower speeds after the BB was installed.
Thanks,Bounty Hunter!I am working on acquiring the caster bolts,and will be sure to have the tires balanced as well.I have been doing research online all weekend,and the conclusion seems to be that toe-in adjustment is easy enough to do it myself.I'm going to attempt that.Ditto for the caster.If that doesn't pan out,I will take it to a shop.I appreciate the info!
Thanks,Bounty Hunter!I am working on acquiring the caster bolts,and will be sure to have the tires balanced as well.I have been doing research online all weekend,and the conclusion seems to be that toe-in adjustment is easy enough to do it myself.I'm going to attempt that.Ditto for the caster.If that doesn't pan out,I will take it to a shop.I appreciate the info!
The caster is very easy, just adjust the cam bolts so it pushes the bottom of the front axle as far forward as possible. I've had the best results doing this.

The toe-in is a little trickier as you have to also recenter the steering wheel. It's very doable for the shadetree mechanic but takes a little trial and error to get the steering wheel just right.
BH was right...start with an allignment and balance after re-installing the lift. It's one of the most common causes.

I had no problems after putting on a spacer lift, but once I did a 4" lift with new springs and lower control arms, I couldn't drive past 35 mph without wobbling severely. An allignment and balance made everything smooth. It did make the caster off by 1/10 of 1 degree, but it hasn't seemed to affect anything.
@Crazy4diesels Thanks for the info!The ones @ Mopar and on eBay seem to be highly overpriced!After spending money for lift,shocks,larger tires,etc.,I'm beginning to thing the word budget is quite a misnomer by now!LOL!

if all this front end doesn't fix it, the issue is most likely your drive shaft. been in a number of TJ's with BB and no t-case drop and they vibrate like a mother.
if all this front end doesn't fix it, the issue is most likely your drive shaft. been in a number of TJ's with BB and no t-case drop and they vibrate like a mother.
I've never had the need to install a transfer case drop after installing a BB. I did test drive some immediately after the BB install and they had a noticeable vibe from the front driveshaft, but it was easily remedied with the installation of adjustable cam bolts on the lower control arms. Max out the caster and it corrects both the caster and the pinion angle, removing the vibes.
You're welcome... If I recall the bolts were about half what the dealer wanted. I did a 2 inch BB on my 05 TJ and had no problems with vibes or wobble. Best of luck - John

then you guys must have gotten lucky, the three most noticable ironically were all 6 cyl 5 speed jeep.