2.5L problem


New member
What would cause a 2.5L stumble while going uphill? If I press on the gas more it stops. Something in the fuel injection clogged? Doesn't do it at any certain RPM/speed/gear. Vehicle is a 2000 SE Sport Utility.

I was told the fuel filter isn't serviceable. Are you talking about like fuel stabilizer?
YJ's have a filter behind a skid plate by the driver's side rear tire. I think the TJ's have a filter in the tank. Could also be a clogged catalitic converter.
If the cat converter was clogged wouldn't it fail DEQ? Its been doing it before i went to DEQ and it passed The plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and air filter are all new. Plugs are gapped right. If it was a vacuum leak you would think it would big at acceleration.

Dont know... I guess it would depend on how bad it was. I dont have to smog mine, so I just took the cat out and replaced it with a resonator last time it died (about a month ago), but you cannot do that in a T J...
Yeah I kinda have to do that. How can I tell If the cat is clogged?

Well, mine was acting much like you describe; it would loose power when you tried accelarating or aplying any force. I took it out, and this is how it looked:



Ours has a stumble that comes and goes but getting more frequent. Fuel pump has been replaced already. If you put it in neutral when it happens it revs just fine. Going back to the shop next week to get looked at again.
A bad converter will often cause the Jeep to run worse as it warms up, the clogged catalyst expands with heat and choked off the engine.