1978 cj (304-360-401) distributor cap


Active member
Hi gang, I'm finalizing the cylinder head repairs and comig down to the wire, I noticed the distributor cap's relief for the distributor wiring is about 10* off from it's entry into the distributor, allowing crud to get into the distributor. The ignition is Ford EEC-1 from the looks of it. I swapped out the Standard for an Echlin at NAPA and it is the same, what's going on with this?


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Im not sure gus. They may have given you a prestolite cap. They were earlier distributers..
From another forum they thought it is for an alignment tab on the disributor.
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Yes, that notch is to align the cap, should be a tab on distributer body. I was under the impression that the caps notch wasn't lining up with the distributers tab.

I reckon I went wrong with the orientation on account of the diagram in the TSM where the cap shows the No. 1 tower near the vacuum diaphragm;
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NAPA ordered in a cap of another color (as in horse of another color) this one is an Echlin (brown rather than gray) with the tab where it should be. I think it's for a Ford, which would follow since 'Black Betty' has the Ford EEC-1 ignition system. The box is in the Jeep now, I'll post the pn later.
my 87 yj used ford ignition stuff also. when i swapped to the 302, i didn;t even change the ecu, just plugged it into the v8 distributor instead of the jeep one so i could easily see you getting ford stuff to work

The only thing I did to my ECU was scrape (wire brush on drill) where it mounts to the fender to ensure it was grounding, then dielectric greased the works. Of course I could take it a step further and solder a wire from the case of it to my grounding bus bar, but then I think that Ford ECU is aluminum anyway.

btw. I learned something interesting about these Ford ignition systems from another forum, apparently the trigger is the same on the MSD units supplying the same voltage, if I read that post right. It was from JeepForum, unfortunately that site is having issues with my computer today so I can't post a link.
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hmm, thats cool

back in the day, my brother and i learned you can use a ford ignition module in place of that stupidly expensive control module on a three or four wheeler, the one that is in the head. you just hook the wires to the ford module and hang the module somewhere (we put it under the gas tank between the frame rails). we had to gap the plugs out to almost double the factory setting but the four wheeler started on the first pull every time after that and would try and throw you off the back when you gave it full throttle.
If im not mistaken, 78-79ish jeep used ford distributer, solenoid, starter, I believe ignition module also. oh, I think the fuel pump is even ford.

Yup, you got that right 69,

Meanwhile, the saga continues....
After my van got totalled (a story in itself) I had to rely on 'Black Betty' for my daily driver. After two days she khrapped out, had a carb fire that I quickly put out, and had her towed to my favorite shop. Long story short she had a stuck intake valve that was the root of the problem, and the AFB saw sent out to a local "expert". After pulling, repairing, and reinstalling the cylinder head upon first fire up fuel was leaking our of the accellerator pump~a sign I've come to recognize as the floats being set too high or the neelde and seat not sealing, I also noticed that the choke butterfly still showed signs of the fire. Limped her to this "expert" and left it as their shop was backed up with work, a lot of that going around, everyone's short of mechanics in this town. Got a call a few hours later and was told it was all ready to go. I ran down between departures at my station and picker her up. I didn't get four blocks before she khrapped out again. This was on a very busy two lane one way street on Friday (groan) so I pulled out my cautionary triangles from when I was a driver and ran back to the "expert" shop. Turned out the guy was gone but the office person said they'd get in touch with him and send him to my Jeep. By the time I slogged back a meter maid had pulled behind my Jeep, luckily I was able to convince her that help was on the way. Meanwhile tick-tock, it was getting near the next departure at my locked up shop. The "expert" finally arrived and he limped it back to his shop. In my haste I dropped my station keys somewhere and had to break into my station, by the grace of the Almighty I was able to get in and retrieve my spare set of keys. This trip was only supposed to take 10-15 minutes but this was going on an hour while I'm supposed to be on shift. By the end of the day I was beat down, sore and tired. Stopped by the "expert" shop and he told me that he bent the floats so now it's okay. I asked him about float drop and it seemed he didn't know what I was talking about.

Driving it home I could feel the spark plugs loading up and poor "BB" was bucking, shaking and spitting by the time I got home, I was thoroughly ****ed. I'm going to tell the shop owner that "BB" was at where I was doing the work to not pay that damm idiot. So when I have time HA! I'm going to pull the AFB again and see where he went wrong, also have to change the plugs again....
So, saturday morning I get into the AFB that I pulled the night before. I noticed carbon was still built up in the air horn. Disassembly found two gaskets between the air horn and the throttle body. Carbon was throughout the carburator and the floats were misaligned and out of specification. All of this after "two rebuilds" of this $300 carburator rebuild.004.jpg012.jpg

Bringing these and other pics to the "experts'" shop I softly and diplomatically asked for a part or entire credit as evidenced by the shoddy work in the photos. He remarked "that double gasket was there when you gave it to me" (So why didn't he make it right during the process of the 'rebuild'?) And when showing him this photo he said that "my carb cleaner wouldn't remove that stuff" This was no kid I was dealing with.

What a f@cking moron!
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ok, time to put it on yelp and facebook. he is trying to rip people off so alert everyone. that carbon comes off with ease with any carb cleaner

I heard ya there SuperJ, now I'm tied up with leaky rear brake line extensions, new one on me.