16 year olds fantasy


New member

Hi my name is Ashley I will be 16 in about 1 month and i can get any car i want well reasonable car and i want a Jeep Wrangler (but i want it to be a soft top...) i kno nothing about jeeps except they are the prettiest cars in the world and i would love to have one i live inbetween a city and a major hick town andi just wnated to kno if yall think it would be a good first car... i dont like to speed or go crazy in cars so tipping im not worried about... Sooooo Please post back.... Thanks any comments much appreciated...Chickabonita16xoxo@yahoo.com[addsig]


Jeep very good 1st choice. Welcome to the board and hope we can help you in any way. Good folk here. Get yourself a CJ YJ or TJ and try to get it in a five speed with a 6 cylender motor. Hope that this helps and good luck. You need to post on the general chat to get more responce as very few folk venture down here to the comments and support board. :-) [addsig]

Well thank you !!!! I just didnt kno i kno jsut about NOTHING about cars but i want a Jeep i annoy my parents soo much every time i see one i am one of the most girly people you can meet and i am ohhh how do you say OBSESSED LoL well i guess i will end this i am in class So... Bye Byechickabonita16xoxo@yahoo.com[addsig]


Jeez I wish i could have gotten any reasonably priced car when I was 16. I would have gotten a geo tracker or a suzuki or maybe even a civic. :lol: :lol: :lol: If ya don't know much about cars than you might wanna get a newer TJ, cuz jeeps aren't the most reliable cars on the road. PJ :lol: thats great :-D You've got good taste girl[addsig]

probably will be a PJ... but she's a girl... a girl into jeeps is a good thing... she'll grow up to be one of those wives that will ALLOW and ENCOURAGE her husband to spend time and money with the machine[addsig]


P :-O :-O PJ?!? Anyway I like it - Please add it to the Jeepn cause. More is Better. Go with your heart and get at Jeep!! :-D :-) :-D [addsig]

i wish i could work wit cars i love them to death but a family that thinks grl shouldnt be into that kinda thing thats for guys UM NO! and if i was married and had a husband and wanted to spend money on a car ... I dont care do what you want just be able to HELP with the bills tahts all i have to say about that cause hey the thing is is if he buys or puts together a car as long as he lets me drive it at least a few times then i dont mind LoL... anyways this is only my second day here and i love this play i feel very welcome and this is a great site!!! and the pics are great and the people are very nice!!! i wanna thank yall for makin me comfy here cause i thought yall would be like shes 15 she dont kno nothing just a kid but i have not got one negitive thing said and i like that plus I LOVE JEEPS i see them and i freek i am about as bad towards jeeps then my 21 year old sister is about guys/ or beer LoL well bye bye :-D [addsig]

ashley - i would go with a YJ or CJ but since your a girl, you should check out the TJ (no offense to all the TJ jeepers) because its a liitle more comfortable and a smoother ride. 8-) where are you from?[addsig]



Damn, I wish my first car was a jeep. I had a frickin K car. Still if i had the opp i would so loved to get my jeep as my first, I would probley be a lot farther with it. 8-) So i would say go for it!! :-D [addsig]


My first car was a Jeep CJ. They are great fun if you drive them with care. At least until you get a little experience behind the wheel. Good luck convincing the parents to buy you one...


my first car was a YJ and still is, it was all nice until it started to break :-( but acouple thousand dollars later and it runs like new again :-D , but im gonna keep it till i die! 8-) [addsig]

oh i can get hwat ever car i want !! and i can not waittttt im sooo happy 35 days :) thanks for the responces

edited by: CaseysBabyGrl, Jan 31, 2003 - 12:14 PM[addsig]