12 inches of rain in eight hours!


New member
Last night the heavens let out. We got 12 inches in 8 hours. I have a creek behind the house that can get up pretty high at times. Well, it got high enough to mess some stuff up really bad. The rising waters took out 2 bridges, one old one that the neighbors were using to get to their house, the other was one that was on the main road. The news reports on tv said that 2 were killed and the old bridge took out the other bridge. Well, one did not take out the other, it's in the creek still behind the house. No one is sure what took out the big bridge, it was forty foot above normal water level. The guy with the old bridge thought his took out the big one and killed the 2 people. Went out today after work to take a look at it and show him his bridge covered by debris. The guy's still out a bridge, but was relieved that it wasn't his bridge that killed 2 people. One person was a neighbor down the road 5 houses, the other I don't know. That's what's been going on here lately. That and friggin news helicopters buzzing the house :x

Oh yeah, and when I took our dog out this morning, a 80lb 9 month old black lab, we went to look at the creek and she snapped the ring on her collar and tried to get in the water, she loves swimming in the creek. It freaked her out a little with the water churning the way it was. If she had gotten out any farther in it, she would have been gone, that would have sucked. I had to sprint down a muddy hill covered in briars, in shorts, not fun. I was ready for work, but had to go in and change cause I got soaked going in after her. Now she's sleeping on the floor next to my feet, glad she's still here...Mikey
Hate to hear Mother Nature is messing with you all down in Texas. Hope you and your are high and dry. Don't cuss them new's copters to much they will get FEMA out and then a state of desaster will be coming and new bridges and repairs will be made. Hate to hear about the lsot lives. My son is on his way through Texas tonight going down to Old Mexico on a Mission trip to Darango Mexico. I hope he does not encounter the storms you are speaking of. tug
Hey Tug, my dad does mission trips down there too, Operation Hands Together. They build the 12x16 houses, I think that's the size. He's been going for 6 years or so. He organizes everything for the week they go. They've been in the nuevo progresso area also one or 2 others, I can't think of them right now. I stick around here and keep things going with the company while he's out of town...Mikey

Going fourwheeling right? I hate the hurricanes we get here, but I love the fourwheeling for the next week afterwards.
83CJ701DakRT said:
Hey Tug, my dad does mission trips down there too, Operation Hands Together. They build the 12x16 houses, I think that's the size. He's been going for 6 years or so. He organizes everything for the week they go. They've been in the nuevo progresso area also one or 2 others, I can't think of them right now. I stick around here and keep things going with the company while he's out of town...Mikey

Our group went down to take White Button Up Shits and to buy land! Sounds funny don't it. From what I understand they are going to buy land to build a church. The white shirts are for the men there so they can get a job to help pay to build a church on the land. Seems the folks there are so poor they can not afford a nice white button up and you can only get a good job with one. To be a Taxi driver or buss boy or about anything you have to have one. Soooo we sent a few hundred shits of all sizes that ought to be enough to glut the job market for a while. tug
No water in the house this year, Thank God! In the past years, the same time dad was going to mission trips before I bought the house from him it flooded the house 3 times. Each day was on Sunday. My great-uncle came down from Ohio and wanted his share of the family farm when his mother passed away, he was an arse. Well, he needed access to his part of the land and we gave it to him, no big deal. Well, to paint a picture, he was very frugal with money. He came up with come concrete culverts that were 18 inch ones. He decided that they were big enough to put in to get across the branch between my house and his land. Well they weren't. This is a 10 foot wide branch that all water from the ball park and about 4 streets north of me comes into to get to the creek. Well, it was weird getting the rain we did in June, but it was a turd floater kinda rain. The culverts weren't big enough to pass all the water and it came over the crossing, 6 inches deep heading towards my house. It hit the house and was trying to go around both sides. My house is off the road a little and sits at the bottom of a small hill, the water off the roof is enough to deal with. Water flooded in through the weep holes and ruined the carpet, no fun. Let alone getting out there at 5 am to try to do all I could to stop it. I was using our Ditch Witch trencher and digging up the yard making new paths for the water, pushing water with the back fill blade, anything I could, it helped a lot, but not enough. After hauling out all the old carpet and drying everything and $2,300 later, we had new carpet. The next year, almost to the day, here came the turd floater rain again. This time I went out and did the same before it got to bad and also set up the new mud pump I bought. That was almost enough to keep it from coming in. When I decided it wasn't enough, I went in and pulled up the carpet all along the front of the house and got all the towels I had and lined the front of the house on the inside. All I had to do this time was have the carpet stretched, not bad. I did the same thing the following year. After those adventures, I got the notion to tear out his crossing and fix it right. We bought 3 36 inch by 20 foot metal culverts, put those in and had a cement truck come out and incase them in 2 loads of concrete, fixed the problem. That was a pretty penny :x another $2,300. All my uncle did was say thanks, no reimbursement, nothing. My dad got remarried and bought the land the crossing went with and built a new house on the hill overlooking the creek, high and dry. This past rain there were no problems with flooding around the house, good deal. I guess the moral of this story is, don't be cheap when you do a project, do it right and spend the $$$ and never have to fix it.........Mikey
After those adventures, I got the notion to tear out his crossing and fix it right.

After the first time, I think I'da tore that sucker out and told him the storm did it. You're right - ARSE!


We (San Antonio Area) were under a flood warning off and on the past few days. We ended up only getting a little rain though (which is needed), seems most of it passed over and hit to the south instead. :roll:

Sounds like you got it pretty bad though...

-Nick :!:
TJ 2.5" lift

mud4feet said:
After those adventures, I got the notion to tear out his crossing and fix it right.

After the first time, I think I'da tore that sucker out and told him the storm did it. You're right - ARSE!

I think I woulda torn him a new as.....ummm...well, you know. Hope you stay dry and get things back to normal soon! And, like Tug said, the more News choppers and satellite trucks, the better! Living here in Tornado Alley, I know what he means. Ya gotta get that info in as many politician's homes as you can, so that you can get FEMA help!