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  1. ilexo


    I won so HA!
  2. ilexo

    Check it out

    Woah ok don't be such a jelly donut haha don't tell me what I can or can not post ok when you just put up a link to vote someone against me ... I am not harming anyone, you are attacking me which isn't far so my advise just ignore my post THANK YOU :)
  3. ilexo


    Contest update Hi guys :) if you haven't seen I am entered in a contest to win a winch on Facebook! I am in 2nd place and need all the likes I can get :) and I'm asking my fellow jeep brothers and sisters for help! You guys have been so great to me so far and I warmly thank you all! So please...
  4. ilexo


    Thank you so much! You all are so sweet! Please keep passing my post along! Have an awesome day :)
  5. ilexo


    Hi all I'm new to this app so hear me out! I am entered in a contest on Facebook to win a winch! How awesome is that!! The picture with the most "likes" wins. So I need everyones help if you can please go to "Jeep Girls Rock!" Facebook page and like my picture *it is my display picture on here*...