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  1. Turbogus

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    I heard ya there Terry, not so for 'Black Betty' but the 'Big Blue B@stard' my '96 GMC K1500 4x4 on account that since the last Chevy I owned, a '77 Blazer GM moved the location of an easily reachable oil filter (starboard side) vertically mounted to a forward facing horizontal filter crammed in...
  2. Turbogus

    Harmonic Balancer squeal

    The only thing that I can think of that is squealing would be a slipping belt on the pulley. Is the belt tensioner within specification?
  3. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    Unrelated file photos
  4. Turbogus

    Heavy Duty seat covers

    Not too bad, I guess I just needed to wrap my head around disposable rather than long lasting heavy duty. I kept the panel from the box so when these give out I can find 'em again.
  5. Turbogus

    Heavy Duty seat covers

    Since having to go on welfare a couple of years back I've been forced to go grocery shopping at Canned Foods Grocery outlet amongst others. Saturday I was suprised to find these in the automotive aisle end. While their material is lightweight and the stretchers don't connect the elasticity of...
  6. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    A quick shot of my old 'Steppenwolf' CJ 5
  7. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    What with as smooth as 'BB' is running I'm beginning to wonder if I need the MSD 6 after all
  8. Turbogus

    Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

    'Black Betty' is STILL running good as steady state so far, since I'm still trying to get on top of the ABS in 'BBB' I may forego the MSD 6a box for the time being.
  9. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    For the first time ever, 'BB' started up without have to resort to pumping the gas. Just once to set the choke and on the second try she started right up. :)
  10. Turbogus

    Cranks but won't start

    Congrats Terry, it's gratifying when we can figure it out for ourselves!
  11. Turbogus

    Heavy Duty seat covers

    Those seem to be stellar, both for quality and price. I'll hold out for a while got to work on the Suburban now.
  12. Turbogus

    Heavy Duty seat covers

    For more than a couple of years now I've had these pair of Corbeau A4 seats in Black Betty. I also got from an EBay seller neoprene (skin suit material) seat covers. Through not so thorough use these things are tearing at the seams mostly on account of the profile of these A4 seats. Of course...
  13. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    Funny thing, in the shop where I'm taking 'BBB' my '96 GMC there's a '78 FSJ Wagoneer (same year as 'BB') and I noticed that the seemingly stock fuel filter had no provision for a return line. Just a through and through filter.
  14. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    I found some Gates at NAPA the following day so I replaced that fuel line, especially because that return line runs over the top of the distributor now.
  15. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    I'm thinking with the fuel filter now being above the carburator fuel will be trapped in the line helping to provide a quicker startup following shutdown.
  16. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    After obtaining a photo of the O.E. location of the fuel filter and lines with the help of some Thailandese fuel line (Autozone had no Gates or Goodyear) I did my best to relocate what I had from the P.O.
  17. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    Thanks for the input guys, 'BB's running fine it's just the early morning startup, with the fuel defeating gravity.
  18. Turbogus

    What is this monstrosic Fuel Line?

    Well, now that the ignition seems to be working well time for me to think about other P.O. issues. This is a hard line fuel line that's been in 'BB' since I got her and realative to it's shape and placement this is what I'm accounting longer than normal startup times. I'm thinking of...
  19. Turbogus

    clutch upgrade?

  20. Turbogus

    Carter AFB will not idle down

    This was just a generic throttle return spring that I recognized was on a 427 Chevy motor that was a project many years ago. The Ebayer's ad said it crossed to Chevy Ford and Mopar. I see to recall these offset return springs were once common, but not around here anymore. Corvallis has turned...