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  1. J

    What can I do to make the 3.6 bigger?

    Three options if your serious about real power. Turbo Super charge Get rid of the motor and put a V8 in. Fact is, the pentastar 3.6l V6 is probably the most powerful engine with 6 cylinders to ever come in a Jeep. I guess you could start bolting on cold air this and that and exhaust with...
  2. J

    Roll cages, nerf bars, and bumpers

    Having rolled my jeep plenty of times, I am concerned with the material used to make the cage and the integrity of that cage more than anything. My current cage has been on it's lid at least 3 times that I recall. The only stock part of the cage is the B pillar. The front of the cage is 2"...
  3. J

    Bumper height stock/lifted

    Why not just go to the local grocery store, find a stock vehicle and measure it. Not sure what the bumper height has to do with a dude needing a ladder to get in another dude.
  4. J

    Please help, 01 TJ

    As I stated it would have to be an aftermarket, jeep did not introduce a "factory" alarm in open top vehicles until the JK in 06 and even that it is basically a keyless system with a annoying noise maker. VATS= Vehicle Anti-Theft System I'm surprised it started, Viper is made by DEI and I am...
  5. J

    Ball Joint

    What ever really, years ago I would have said Moog or nothing, but the last couple sets I have installed went to junk way to quick. It has been a long time since I have done D30 ball joints, but I believe in order to do the top, you need to press out the bottom, so since you need to press them...
  6. J

    Please help, 01 TJ

    There was no factory anti-theft system on TJ's in 01, so you have an after market alarm. If you pull the knee bolster off, the alarm module or "brain" should be pretty easy to see. Simply unplug everything from the brain. Then you will have to locate the 12 gauge ignition harness, there will be...
  7. J

    Suggestions for OEM style replacement seats. '87 YJ

    Seats from a fox body mustang is an almost 100% direct bolt in and can be found dirt cheap since they have not made the car since 93. I have heard also 80's-early90's cougar and t-bird seat will swap but the electronics can be a PITA.
  8. J

    Sky jacker or fabtech ?

    Clayton and be done.
  9. J

    Mechanical Fuel Pump Options

    Electric pump should be placed as close to the tank as possible to 1. keep the pump cool 2. presurize the line to reduce vapor lock.
  10. J

    Fuel Filter With Mechanical Fuel Pump

    In the past, I only ran a inline filter between the pump and the carb when running a mechianical pump. I have found that a filter between the tank and the pump will starve the mechanical pump under initial fuel demand for acceleration. Most mechanical pumps are just lobe pumps and any...
  11. J

    Death Wobble and repairing it.

    So using your logic an impropperly balanced tire will not provide feedback that can be felt through the steering wheel at certain speeds?
  12. J

    2011 Wrangler Fire

    My guess is the transmission fluid was introduced to the exhaust manifold. Di you have an auto and was is equip with a factory or aftermarket trans cooler? Also could have been powersteering fluid, both are "red."
  13. J

    Sway bar

    Not sure what your concerns are with a sway bar and having manual trans, drum brakes or power steering? Sway bar simply reduces body roll when cornering. Drive with out, if you do not feel comfortable, install one. Any leaf srpung jeep I have ever owned, the sway bar and trac bars were always...
  14. J

    CJ hard door, latches an locks?

    Might be a latch from a YJ. Pic would help.
  15. J

    Furst car as a 13 year old

    Go buy yourself a reliable safe vehicle that can get you to and from school and get an education then eventually get you a very well paying job, at which point you can buy any vehicle you want with out having to save money for 3 years. I am not insinuating that jeeps are neither safe or...
  16. J

    How do you remove a rubber bushing?

    I have three well proven methods; 1. Press is out, if this is not available. 2. As close as you can to the ID of the track bar sleeve, using a 1/8" drill bit, drill a series of holes around the circumfrance then hammer it out. 3. Light it on fire and wait for the rubber to burn up to the point...
  17. J

    Transmission Qs

    Here is my advice... A CJ makes a horrible daily driver. That said, if it were me and I had to have a CJ to drive every day, I would get fuel injection and swap in a trans with an overdrive like a NV3500 or the likes. Probably could double the gas milage and increase the reliability with this...
  18. J

    What can i do?

    Try taking it offroad? search your local aera for an offroad club, depending where you are, the land migh tbe public and anyone can use it, or if it is like the north east, it is all private land and leasing agreements between clubs and owners exists where we are allowed exclusive rights to the...
  19. J

    Jeep 350

    What year is your Jeep? depending on the state, make sure you perform a legal swap. In my state, it is illegal to put an older motor into a newer chassis (ex. 95 jeep with a 92 TBI GM 350.) I will echo the 4.3, great motor and easy swap, but a v8 is really no more work. I would highly...