Been running the STANT locking gas cap for several years with no issues to report. The small investment of either the locking door or locking cap provides some peace of mind. These locking parts may deter stupid vandalism or at least let you know tampering has occurred.
***My JK came with the...
Welcome @jrms1970 ...probably best to perform a local then 100+ mile wide search on CL, ebay,, etc in order to find that unicorn. Post some pics of that rare J-10
Agree with the suggestions from TerryMason. If all you did was replace spark plugs then confirm all the wires are in the correct order. Best to have been done one-at-a-time. If the wires are old the wire or connector may have broken upon removal. There should be a distinctive click when fully...
Perhaps a squirt of WD40 in the window channels could help ease the glide up or down. Opening up the inner door panel could reveal the culprit (debris) or problem wire/switch or lack of lube.
Make sure the O-ring on the cap is installed correctly. Lube the O-ring before installation and use the correct filter. Not necessary to over-tighten the cap. Tight is fine.
So many questions so little time...Wranglers have one of the largest if not the largest support for cool aftermarket parts. The only limit will be your budget! Check out the big venders like, northridge 4x4 etc. If your not a "hard core" and funds are mild then the Sport should be...
@terrymason would be the best one to contact. Sounds like a good deal!
I'm sure you've heard of the other company that markets a one-person hard top lift. They claim the hard top can be safely stored on the stand in the garage.
Welcome @jcrolinjack ...neat new hard top jack. Looks like it should work great to remove the hard top reliably and safe. Perhaps a forum or group purchase incentive to get the product noticed as you know the jeep aftermarket is huge. Might not work too well with the new JT hard top but thats a...
While passing through different states one can expect to find specific rules on auxiliary gas tanks. This fender mount gets some good reviews:
Jeep JK Side Mount, Driver Side - MORryde Products
Anything short of the "real" Australian Safari Outback Bull bars or Mad Max versions won't provide the animal impact protection you're looking for. Some of the brush guards offered today look substantial but are mostly decorative and offer limited protection from low speed impacts.
Sorry to hear about your brother. Hopefully time makes his passage a bit easier.
About the JGC, it looks like it would make a neat project for someone. My '94 JGC was not the limited but was the same color. Really liked that JGC with Selec-trac but the trans suddenly stopped working one day...
If the trans lines run through the radiator the impact from the accident could have damaged those connections. Damage or deterioration of the radiator and/or line connections could result in trans fluid + coolant mixing = BAD. If your really really lucky multiple trans flushes might net you a...