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  1. Wrangl3r93

    Gruetli-Laager pictures

    Went out with the TNVJC club yesterday to Gruetli-Laager. The pictures are coming in so I'll update later when I get off work but here's the ones I took. gruetli-laager 7-25 pictures by urdogsflea - Photobucket The link to the picture thread TNVJC - Tennessee Virtual Jeep Club - Discussion...
  2. Wrangl3r93

    Can't Find a Cummins 3.3L

    I have a friend with the 4bt who is getting 35mpg if he keeps it at 55mph. It drops to 30mpg at 70mph, but that's def a major improvement over stock.
  3. Wrangl3r93

    noob question

    I got a hardtop on the new jeep and gave the temp top to my brother:twisted: He used it once:p
  4. Wrangl3r93

    Spend or save??

    I paid rent on the 5th and have 4 dollars and enough gas to last me till Friday(payday!!!):D Being a poor college student is one hell of a life with the only plus side being the minimal affect from the economy. Ramen is ramen either way.
  5. Wrangl3r93

    noob question

    If it's made from the same material they made them from a couple years ago when I bought mine, "rain-resistant" means it'll hold it off for 5 seconds. Mine actually made it worse because the rain would collect and it would droop then leak straight through. Of course where it droops it was all...
  6. Wrangl3r93


    Snitty's back!!! Someone go find RedRooster and Mingez and it'll be like good 'ole times. Were you still around when Sparky and TC got into it or had you already left the board by that time? A lot of the older guys seemed to disappear after that little fiasco.
  7. Wrangl3r93

    U-Bolt Flip Pro's and Con's

    No but the rocks took care of them for me:lol: Still been caught on those nuts though:redface:
  8. Wrangl3r93

    U-Bolt Flip Pro's and Con's

    The last time I went out I ended up breaking 3 of the u-bolt ends off and bending most of the rest of them. On top of getting stuck on the bolts a good 4 or 5 times. My expensive RE lift is only like 2 years old so I'm not going to replace it with a sprung over at this time and was looking into...
  9. Wrangl3r93

    Water pump problem

    I went ahead and ordered the GMB pump. After a little research I found they're based out of Japan but I'm not going to lose any sleep over not buying American. Looked into the FlowKooler pumps but they're twice as much as the GMB, which was twice as much as the Autozone replacement, and I can...
  10. Wrangl3r93

    Water pump problem

    Any thoughts on this pump? GMB North America 110-1090P - GMB High Performance Water Pumps –
  11. Wrangl3r93

    Water pump problem

    Driving home from getting my check today the jeep started screeching. i drove the last 300 yards uphill to my apartment and noticed the temp gauge spike really fast and got out to antifreeze everywhere. Crawled under to see if I had lost a hose but it looks like it was all coming out of the...
  12. Wrangl3r93

    Vendor List?

    Hey Terry do we have a consolidated list of Jeepz vendors? I've been looking to add some parts to my jeep and if I can I'd like to help the vendors from this site. Maybe a stickied, locked list of vendors with links to websites so we can browse through them? Get's a little tiring filtering...
  13. Wrangl3r93

    New here......

    Nice set of jeeps you've got there. Haven't seen too many liberty's I've liked but both of yours are tastefully modded. I love seeing wheeling pictures from out west, it's so... not green.
  14. Wrangl3r93

    What's my a/f ratio?

    Pull your spark plugs and check them. I have absolutely no experience with this just read it somewhere, drag racers pulling them between runs maybe? I think white means you're running lean and black plugs is rich. Not an exact science though. I probably pulled that bit of information out of thin...
  15. Wrangl3r93

    I'd like to introduce myself and my YJ...

    Welcome to Jeepz. Nice to see more younger members on and even nicer to see them with square headlights:D
  16. Wrangl3r93


    I'll be in for a while tonight if anybody wants to talk
  17. Wrangl3r93

    Tie Rod question

    Well I've been hearing a popping noise coming from the front end of my jeep since my last trip out and I crawled under tonight to see if I could pinpoint it. Checked the u-joints first but they're still solid and noticed my tie rod is bent. Had my friend turn the wheel and when he turned left...
  18. Wrangl3r93

    Supercharger vs. Turbocharger

    According to the world wide web diesel motors take to turbos better than gas motors due to the fact a diesel motor is pumping 100% air all the time and a gas motor is only pumping 100% air at wot. This mixed with the low rpm's spool the turbo quick and gives you on big sweet spot.
  19. Wrangl3r93

    Some pictures from Memorial Weekend

    Drive on up to Tennessee. We go out quite a bit and the trees shade us from the sun while we wheel;)
  20. Wrangl3r93

    Supercharger vs. Turbocharger

    So does a procharger supercharger:p