Recent content by AFGopher

  1. AFGopher

    running wild!

    I have no idea what could be wrong, but as Mikey said, could be a stuck relay. Sounds like it's time to upgrade me thinks. Get yourself an electic puller fan out of 3.8 ford taurus. They pull over 4000 cfm in the highspeed mode. Mine's on its way now in the post.
  2. AFGopher

    Off road survival kit

    One MRE, small tool kit, H2O, tow straps. Prepping my spares kit as well. Something nobody's mentioned yet is a winter specific list. A blanket, two candles, a flashlight, flares.
  3. AFGopher

    Bought my first Jeep last night '89 Sahara

    Great pics! Welcome to the forum. Jeeps are addictive man. You won't be able to stop working on it and thinking of new things to upgrade.
  4. AFGopher

    hey everbody...

    NIce pics. That's a great looking cherokee. I bet those wheels are a real pain to clean huh? Do you do much off-roading in the Zagreb area? I've always wanted to visit. I was almost there when I was living in Germany.
  5. AFGopher

    Its a Jeep Thing

    I tried to explain the wave and the hierarchy of who should initiate the wave according to the points scale to a friend. Of course, he didn't get it.
  6. AFGopher

    I'm baack... warning lots of pics

    Awesome pics. Which route did you take? More pics please!
  7. AFGopher

    Heater install

    Damn man, that sounds like some work. Was it the heater core you replaced or the blower motor? I was planning on upgrading the blower motor and just using the stock core (a new one of course). I think I have to get the control cables too. Time to go dig through the parts bin that came with...
  8. AFGopher

    Heater install

    Hey fellas, anybody had to put back in the factory heater that someone had pulled out of your jeep? I bought mine with it all removed and now need to reinstall it. I'll be taking the opportunity to replace the heater core while I'm at it. I have the under dash portion of the heating system...
  9. AFGopher

    Virgin Post, only happens once

    I drove past pine bluffs yesterday for the first time. Yeah, it's nice. Didn't spend much time there, but I'm sure I will eventually. A friend of mine almost bought the old bank there, but changed his mind when he heard what the refurb was gonna cost.
  10. AFGopher

    hey everbody...

    Pics of your ZJ in Zagreb would be even better!
  11. AFGopher

    Virgin Post, only happens once

    Thanks guys.
  12. AFGopher

    Cj dying

    Good point. Have you checked the plugs? Are they fouled in any way? So it sounds to me like the starter is spinning just fine and normal, the jeep just doesn't start some times. Do you smell fuel when trying to start it and it's doing this? You say it died on you, were you driving...
  13. AFGopher

    4x4 light

    I say if you have to replace it, you might as well upgrade to a set of headers, but that's just me. Is it leaking at the collector or at the head? If it's at the head, then it could be the gasket that's gone; a cheap, but not always easy, fix. Don't drive it for too long like that if that's...
  14. AFGopher

    Cj dying

    Battery/alternator maybe or a loose cable somewhere? Check your battery cables first.
  15. AFGopher

    Hey, how's it goin? I'm new to the Cheyenne area and noticed there's a few club members down in...

    Hey, how's it goin? I'm new to the Cheyenne area and noticed there's a few club members down in the Denver area. Do you guys ever get together to go wheeling? Mike