
After Triple Role Over 1

I rolled my Jeep down a hill. It rolled once to the side, then twice end over end. I only got one small cut on my wrist. It landed right side up. Even after this, it was still drivable.
Thanks. The tires were completely bald except for one, which was new. Just as I had done every other time coming home from school, I did a four wheel drift on the the freeway entrance ramp, only this time, the back left tire blew and I lost it. At that point I was moving at about 30 mph because the drift had slowed me down a little while making the 90° right onto the entrance ramp from the 45 mph road. I tried to stop and control the jeep, but I ended up sliding off the entrance ramp and rolling it down the hill towards the freeway. I got lucky.
wow Sad day but looks fixable just means with all that insurance money you can rebuild it better Good luck Safe driving

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