YJ 4.5" Rough Country Lift Kit Install


New member
Alright guys! Gonna have a random 45 degree day tomorrow so I'm going to put the replace the seals in my front axle and put new shafts in and hopefully install my lift. I bought a full suspension lift from Rough Country with the X-series military wrapped leaf springs. I will be doing a write up hopefully on both procedures to help anyone else with their future endeavors. With that being said, besides spraying the hell out of the old nuts and bolts on my 24 year old death trap, does anyone have any tips or tricks to the install? Primarily I'm worried about needing an alignment, but I figure if I'm careful and tedious with the pitman arm replacement I should be ok, right?? Any suggestions with anything will be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!!!

You shouldn't have any trouble on the alignment. Might have to use some ratchet straps to pull the leaf springs back far enough to get one side of hte bolts in, since they are new. But other than that, it should be super easy.

Did it come with the t-case kit? That a heck of an angle for the u-joint on the driveshaft
It has the drop kit so we shall see how the vibrations are and I will decide on doing a SYE and cv driveshaft. The seal inside the disconnect was an absolute nightmare and what should have taken 20 mins took a couple hours to run to the hardware store and advance to get washers and a seal driving kit to cover all bases, NOTE the cones in the kit will not work for that stupid seal, you have to use washers (welded one that fit just inside the metal casing and a larger one together and ground the larger one until it was just large enough to cover the casing but small enough to fit inside the recess) and 1/2" threaded rod. So due to the prolonged install the kit will be going in tomorrow! Just hope we can get it outside without pulling the top and roll bar.

Won't leaving the shackles loose, and attaching to the frame first make up for the excess length? Will white lithium grease be sufficient for lubing the bushings?
Will upload a before pic and of the kit laid out if I can get this laptop to cooperate
Here's the lift laid out and a before pic for reference. Surprised it worked!


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Sooooo what a nightmare!!!!
Taking all the old out is one helluva task and the directions could only be followed in moderation. Could not do the front one side at a time since I ended up with almost 10" of lift due to the absolute shot original leaves and shocks!!!! The frame to leaf bolts all were frozen inside the sleeves so we had to use an air chisel and grinder to cut all of them and the rear shock top sleeves froze on the posts (I cleaned them off and reused them with no other option. I cut the rear track baar brackets right off since the bolts were froze and not coming out no matter what I tried (who the hell needs one anyway) Have to redo all the hard brake lines in order to finish everything up but after that its just u bolting the rear leaves and doing the transfer case drop kit. 45 mins tops worth of work... dammit had to cut through the pitman arm and air chisel to split it and get it off. THANK GOD FOR PNEUMATIC TOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hopefully finishing it tomorrow morning. Going to redo all of the hard brake lines, just have to pick them up, do them, drop the rear axle and u bolt it, then install the transfer case drop. It looks like one helluh angle on the drive shaft so I may end up absolutely having to do a slip yoke. The amount of lift I'm getting out of this kit is absolutely unreal! Around 9"!!! I will be posting pics, took them on the wrong phone
This Is about how high she's going to sit. The back will be an inch or two lower than where it is now!Full weight on the front!


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it will settle after some driving. the leafs are just brand new.
Alright so I broke three of the transfer case bolts.....
I am going to start a new thread on how to replace the thread inserts on the frame. Going to need as much assistance with that as possible. Wondering if i can just blow them out and put the new ones in.....
This is all done! Other than fixing the bolts and doing brake lines, I'm quite happy!!!!


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Now with the boomerang shackles, I think I installed them in the proper direction.... the directions were shot like all of them being kind of vague (thanks Rough Country) I have both sets pointed forward since that's what made since to me. The internet was no help because all instructions were all contradicting of each other. Refer to the rear shackles in the picture above. Do I have them right?
The rears appear to be correct. They are to prevent the shackle from becoming inverted up against the frame, as when the springs flex they can flex to the point that they can kick your shackles back the opposite way laying your shackle flat against the frame instead of where they should be. The bent in the shackle prevents this.

The rears appear to be correct. They are to prevent your shackles from becoming inverted flat against the frame the opposite direction when flexing. your springs can flex to the point that your shackles can swing in the opposite direction laying them flat against your frame.. the bend in the shackle prevents this, some are called "anti kick back shackles" same thing.
The rears appear to be correct. They are to prevent your shackles from becoming inverted flat against the frame the opposite direction when flexing. your springs can flex to the point that your shackles can swing in the opposite direction laying them flat against your frame.. the bend in the shackle prevents this, some are called "anti kick back shackles" same thing.

i have the the fronts pointed out away from the frame. Like pointed away. I'll get a pic when I'm back up there saturday

I'll have a pic up in a couple hours of the front shackles. I have them pointed away because being pointed in they looked as if the would hit on something on the drivers side. Can't recall at this moment as to what it was but I will have pics shortly