online blast!!!!!!!


New member
I was just reading some facta and figures and the number that hit me the hardest was. Most members ever logged on at one time is 14That is such a small number for a site of over 4000 members.

What I would like to do just to reset some numbers is set a time! Then everyone that can sign on and post at least one post and maybe go over to the jeepz chat room for a few.

I know this may sound so like WHY but I just would like to see what it would be like to have a bunch of folks here at the same time. Lets set it up for this Sunday evening say 10:00 PM EST that way it will not be to late for the east coast and not to early for the west coast.

When you do and if you do sign in on that day and time come back top this post and sign in so we can see who all is active and willing on that day.

If this seems just to silly disreguard but if you want to see jeepz really hum be here. What I am thinking is if Terry ever trys to get bigger and or better advertisers this may be a great marketing tool for him.

Just a thought but woth a post. tug

I'm with you Tug. I was thinking about that a few days ago. It is sad that we have over 4000 memebrs, yet 14 is the most that have logged in at one time.-al
i'll be on. I'm thinking that alot of people made an account and really never used it. perhaps there is a way to find out what accounts haven't been logged in for a real long time and possibly purge them. I'm sure a large handful of 4000 don't ever visit the site. I really don't we have anything near that, that are active posters.
I'm down... will be there with bells on. errrr..uhhh... I'll just be there.

Tug, how are you seeing these stats? Are they available to all of us or just mod's?
They have the members in the "member's list" section on the main menu. That shows everyone whos a member.

I will be there......lets get these numbers up!
I mentioned that in the 4000 member post earlier this week... I would like it to get to 1,523 all at once! hopefully it won't crash the server... I'm in.

Suggestions Anybody?

Sorry guys I will be in Moab wheel'n but if I break something and have to come home I will be here.

Wish I could join in, but I gotta pay the bills. Have fun!
That is a great idea Tug,, But what about the guys that are paying the bills during the nighttime hours.. I think it would be a good idea if we just used the chat room more often. I have been a member for awhile and have never seen anyone in the chat room.. I would like to see if anyone would be interested in a daytime time also.. If so count me in on the daytime hours as I work the afternoon shift.......Thanks and Keep on Jeepin...... :D
The most was 14 logged on at once? I, for one, visit frequently and simply don't log in. I bet I'm not alone.

I really hope the site can handle that volume of traffic (on Sunday at 10pm). There is a good chance that it will freeze and only allow a certain number of visitors.

Hey, it's worth a shot. I'll be here.

Thats a great idea tug, unfortunately i'll be at my inlaws :twisted: .haha
