online blast!!!!!!!


i say we get everyone in the chatroom.. at least an aol IM one!
Everyone needs to stay active.That way it shows up in the forum selection section that 14 memebers were active.

We do have a new record at last check 15 way to go gang maybe it will grow more dont sign off if you can keep from it! tug
it didn't record our record! what the? it still says 14 in Aug. 2003... we had 16 last i looked.

What's up with the chatroom? I click lets go then it shows my name being in there but I'm not???

Welllllllllllllllllllll no one in there seems to want to go to AIM right now. One mentioned that you can't be running pop up blockers and run this chat function. Sorry Man!

I was out. It shows me in now... try again? It just says create your own chat room, and then a blank whit section underneath. It does show me in the chatroom on the list, so I don't get it...

Everyone hop on AIM or whatever messaging system you use and shoot me an instant message.About 8 of us our chatting in the chat on AIM and trillian.Come join us!

My screen name on AIM is;


Between keeping an eye on this and Jeepz chat and AOL chat my brain hurts. It's been fun folks catch ya all later