GOOd lOOking GiRlS


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RE: Re: Jeepz Message Board is now working?

Just trying to get some info and maybe you can help me with a debate. Me and my buddies agreed that on our next group trip, we want to head out to the place with...and I'm quoting my friend Steve, "The best lookin' chicks in the US."
We all seem to disagree as to where this is exactly. Please limit your answers to places that are "Vacation-able"

Sorry girls if this comes off as "Male Pig" but it's for the purposes of research...of course. :twisted:

Now then, please answer one question:
OTHER THAN YOUR OWN, what city in your opinion has the best looking girls in the US or Canada. Give me your #1 and #2 towns.

I'll start the voting:
1- Southbeach Miami, Florida
2- San Diego, CA

Thanks for your help in this most important of matters.

Kimberly (antsinmypants) - you're vote for Chilliwack B.C. (CANADA) has already been cast. LOL
After last week, there is a lot to be said for Slidell, LA and Hot Springs, AR. The gal that gave me an hour and a half massage for the price of a 30 minute one (no, in case Sunshine reads this, I won't go into detail on the other 45 minutes) was perhaps the BEST looking chick I've seen in the past 5 or 6 years!!! Hubba hubba!!!!

I'd have to say the Calgary Stampede. It's the second largest rodeo in North America. It's sometime in mid July. Tonnes of women in tight jeans (they don't have camel toes, they're called "moose knuckles" here if you know what I mean) and short mini skirts. If you can't get laid there then there's something wrong with you. The whole city shuts down for Stampede week. It's a huge party with lots of drinking and partying. Be prepared to drink lots of beer....that's Canadian beer so it has alochol in it. I'm sure you can find lots info about it on the web if you search for it.
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If you want to have the most fun with the best looking girls go to the typical Spring break spots. Daytona Beach, Cancun, San Padre, Fort Lauderdale, Panama City etc. You wont be dissappointed.
best looking and most of them...

Miami or California.

but i can speak for Miami as most are VERY stuck up. it isn't unusual for a girl to check the designer of your clothes and shoes prior to spending more than 2 mins talking to you.

if your outfit doesn't cost $150+.....don't bother...cause they wont


fast_Z28_guy said:
best looking and most of them...

Miami or California.

but i can speak for Miami as most are VERY stuck up. it isn't unusual for a girl to check the designer of your clothes and shoes prior to spending more than 2 mins talking to you.

if your outfit doesn't cost $150+.....don't bother...cause they wont

I hear you have to be careful in the clubs in Miami. The gorgeous girl you're talking to might end up being a chick with a d#@k.
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As much as I hate to admit it, Georgetown in Washington, D.C. has the most beautiful women per capita of anywhere I have ever been, seen, heard of, or could even dream of. You will find in Gtown the finest from just about every country in the world.

I still hate the district though.

mingez said:
Kimberly (antsinmypants) - you're vote for Chilliwack B.C. (CANADA) has already been cast. LOL

cheeze whiz buddie :p i'm not that cocky, just because i'm freakin adorable doesnt mean everyone else in my town is... lol

but seriously chilliwack has some decent chicks but its not that spectacular
I haven't been to too many places, but I can surely say that Olean, NY is NOT the place to be. A tank of gas couldn't get me to a place requested in this topic

Santa Barbara California, San Diego California.
San Diego seems to be packed with them, though like bad trail mix you'll have to sort through a lot of granola to find what you're looking for. Second choice would be Duluth Minnesota, but thats probably due to the Slivovitz...
Snitty said:
I haven't been to too many places, but I can surely say that Olean, NY is NOT the place to be. A tank of gas couldn't get me to a place requested in this topic

Ha! Mental note: never go to Olean, NY.

Keep'em coming peepz!

My vote, and I really hate saying this, goes to NY city. I was literally amazed at the amount of beautiful women we saw there. Not exactly the type of setting for what you seem to be looking for, but the highest head count for beautiful women that I've seen in one place is there. Well.....that's ummm, around the "better" areas and the more expensive stores. Alot of the women seen in other areas of the city were just scary.

If you've never done it and you aren't used to that setting, spending a week right in the middle of NY city and going out at all hours of the day and night is an eye opening and very educational experience.....on many levels.
Well folks I have to say after being on the raod most everyday and always in a new place with the advantage of being up there tall in the saddle in a Semi that there are just outstanding looking women all over the country! You would not believe what you see form the drivers side of an 18 wheeler. Love them seat covers! Blackburg Va. man there is some real sweeties up there around VA Tech, and Atlanta Ga. is full of some fine looking ladys as well. We have what we call FAT chicks out there aka Flash A Trucker chicks. Them are the best of all. hehehehe tug

mingez said:
Ha! Mental note: never go to Olean, NY.

Keep'em coming peepz!

Back in highschool I knew a SMOKING hot girl from Olean. She was going to college in Rochester and I am pretty sure she wasnt heading back to Olean anytime soon.