Gas Prices in your town ???

Careful Sparky,... if we do have to eat them, the aluminum foil is gotta taste like crap!
I don't get it... it appears you have disproven your point :bomb: . All 3 of those charts coincide with each other.

One of us isn't understanding the OHLC chart. Notice the trending in activity versus price and production. Trading would seem to support the fact that it is a market causality, but when you put the Open, High, Low, and Close chart against production numbers you see the two are completely unrelated. Unless I am mistaken (and I am in no way claiming to be a futures expert) the pricing doesn't coordinate with price or, based on other charts readily available, production. The drop is, in essence, an anomaly. So how can one explain this disparity in numbers? How about....

The lock out of dissemination of information at Cheneys hand earlier this year, which is completely unprecidented? What about instructing the reserves to not replenish immediately before the election, the fact that he suddenly waived the requirement to transition from MTBE to Ethanol and therein relieved the related expense on local levels? Bandar's quote about supporting the GOP by increasing production, flooding the market and therein dropping prices? Peter Ashton's assessment that the increase this summer and subsiquent decrease cannot be explained by production, or market trends? Again, I bring up Enron,... and price inflations...

I am surprised that it seems so many are closed to the idea. In light of this information, I believe there is enough cause to at least raise an eyebrow. And this is just what I am aware of, I am sure there is more information out there to support both sides,... but to say that it is impossible is in my opinion an obtuse point of view. I can't believe that anyone can look at all this and summarily dismiss it as left wing propaganda. Don't we have the moral obligation to be objective and consider the information, not choose our opinions along party lines?

I am a conservative folks. But I recognize my party leaves a lot to be desired, and I am not naive enough to think impropriety of this magnitude is excluded because I voted for those involved.
Sparky, I believe it is "You're Screwed" or possibly "Screw You" but that's just a guess.

One of us isn't understanding the OHLC chart. Notice the trending in activity versus price and production. Trading would seem to support the fact that it is a market causality, but when you put the Open, High, Low, and Close chart against production numbers you see the two are completely unrelated. Unless I am mistaken (and I am in no way claiming to be a futures expert) the pricing doesn't coordinate with price or, based on other charts readily available, production. The drop is, in essence, an anomaly. So how can one explain this disparity in numbers? How about....

The lock out of dissemination of information at Cheneys hand earlier this year, which is completely unprecidented? What about instructing the reserves to not replenish immediately before the election, the fact that he suddenly waived the requirement to transition from MTBE to Ethanol and therein relieved the related expense on local levels? Bandar's quote about supporting the GOP by increasing production, flooding the market and therein dropping prices? Peter Ashton's assessment that the increase this summer and subsiquent decrease cannot be explained by production, or market trends? Again, I bring up Enron,... and price inflations...

I am surprised that it seems so many are closed to the idea. In light of this information, I believe there is enough cause to at least raise an eyebrow. And this is just what I am aware of, I am sure there is more information out there to support both sides,... but to say that it is impossible is in my opinion an obtuse point of view. I can't believe that anyone can look at all this and summarily dismiss it as left wing propaganda. Don't we have the moral obligation to be objective and consider the information, not choose our opinions along party lines?

I am a conservative folks. But I recognize my party leaves a lot to be desired, and I am not naive enough to think impropriety of this magnitude is excluded because I voted for those involved.

ITS A U-BOLT MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats great.But it does look like a magnet
Gone&DoneIt said:
but when you put the Open, High, Low, and Close chart against production numbers you see the two are completely unrelated.

The drop in gas prices is directly related to the drop in crude and futures prices according to those charts. The only difference is that gold fluctuates much more, but seeing how oil prices are based somewhat on futures then they should average out some of those peaks and dips - as they do.

From earlier post:
Gone&DoneIt said:
Certainly over the summer, or as we get closer to the election, they could increase production several million barrels a day and the price would drop significantly.” agreed upon with a handshake and smile, there would of course be NO PAPER TRAIL."
That, and Woodwards other claims, are nothing I would base any conclusions on. 60 Minutes, in my view, has an agenda. Dan Rather may be gone, but there are some staunch liberals that run that place.

Besides, production being increased in the Summer months is an annual occurance. Supply and demand. An increase in production amounts to a larger supply which amounts to lower prices.

The thought that Bush, Cheney, the GOP, or even Prince Bandar have the ability to contol crude prices or the price of gasoline at the pump is ludicris. The prices had an uncommonly increased price drop followed by an uncommonly increased price hike. We all know why they spiked, we all know why they have fallen back to "normal". It is simple and the economics all make sense.

We need a whole set of new threads.. and I don't mean clothes either.:lol: :lol:
Hmmmm,... well,... for the sake of moderates everywhere,... I give. We can, and in all probability would, debate this forever, or at least until gas prices go back up after the elections and I am vidicated ;)

I must admit I enjoy the debate,... it's great to have someone who is willing, passionate, and educated to go back and forth with on an issue. I guess at heart I am one of the dissalusioned right. I miss my old party, and the values and ideals I felt confident they stood for. I'm not sure if I was just naive then, or if this administration has strayed, but I am not the happy Republican I used to be. I just see too much dishonesty, immorality, and financial motivation in politics today, regardless of the party lines. I guess I woke up one day,... looked around and said "DAMN!" this isn't the country I grew up in. Blame aside,...nostalgia aside,... we need some things changed,.... and fast.

Anyway, I surrender my soap box. I think Bush did it in the library with the candlestick :D

now,... I am off to write letters about that Milk situation you brought up earlier,... I think the dairy lobby is secretly funding genetic research and cloning in an effort to undermine the eco-political balance of Kajikistan..................... sorry,... my tin foil hat is picking up another frequency now. gotta go.
The thought that Bush, Cheney, the GOP, or even Prince Bandar have the ability to contol crude prices or the price of gasoline at the pump is ludicris. The prices had an uncommonly increased price drop followed by an uncommonly increased price hike. We all know why they spiked, we all know why they have fallen back to "normal". It is simple and the economics all make sense.
Right, commidities prices are determined by what price people are willing to pay. When the market price gets too high there is always a correction (as we have seen in gold after the $700/oz a few months ago). There WAS NO SHORTAGE OF OIL THIS SUMMER. I will be the first to say that. There was a common perception that a terrorist attack on a pipeline, a hurricane, and the whole fracas in the middle east could case a FUTURE SHORTAGE so the speculators were gambling on something bad happening to drive the price up further, increasing their profits. This "the sky is falling" or in this case "gas is going to hit $4/gallon and oil is going to hit $100/barrel" made buying futures at $75/barrel seem like a good idea so people did it, and that's what sustained the high prices through the summer. Eventually people got scared (as they did with gold) and backed off, which has led to a common market correction.

The strategic reserve has very little effect on prices. If we look back to the post-Katrina prices when Bush opened up the strategic reserves (huh, that wasn't an election year either was it?) the price hardly budged. Yes it did drop a bit, but everyone knows it won't last long if we start pulling out of it so the people buying and selling futures won't let that drive the price down much because as the SR is depleted they know the price will go right back up.

Can a politician AFFECT prices? Sure, they can change laws to make production of oil/gas cheaper or more expensive (environmental laws) which will INDIRECTLY cause a price change by causing speculators to buy or sell futures, but this is not Cheney sitting behind a door calling someone and saying "jack crude futures $4/barrel today". That is NOT POSSIBLE. Commodities are traded on a GLOBAL MARKET. People all over the world are buying and selling and THAT is what determines price. My father has supported himself and my mother with the commodities market for years (after he retired from banking at 50) and I have gotten into the markets in the last year a little under his direction.
I am one of the conservatives who is not completely happy with the GOP right now, but they simply cannot change prices of a globally traded commodity at their will. From todays bloomberg.....

Prices go up and down because people are trying to play the market and make money. Whenever anything happens that COULD affect oil supply the price goes up. When there is little or no perception of danger to the supply the price goes down. When demand is perceived to be lower than expected price goes down. SUPPLY AND DEMAND, or in todays market, PERCEIVED supply and demand when speculators start buying/selling futures based on what THEY THINK is going happen. Like I said, you can make a LOT of money and lose a LOT of money playing in the markets, but there will always be people out there who try it and THEY are the ones driving the price up and down.

I can't put it any clearer than that. If some of you still thing the GOP is directly changing the price of oil/gas then you don't understand the global commodites markets and you don't want to understand them because it doesn't suit your anit-Bush agenda. There are plenty of legitmate things to pick on the man about without resorting to conspiracy theories.

Last but not least, no one person if FORCED to buy oil or gas. You don't like the price, don't buy it. You can walk, ride a bike, buy a horse, etc etc etc. This would greatly inconvenience each and every one of us, possibly even to the point of having to find a new home and/or a new job, but this whole "the oil companies are making too much money" thing is not changing anything. Oil companies are businesses, they exist to make money, and they are doing that. If you don't want to add to their profits, don't buy their products. Ride a bke to work in protest. Americans don't want to do that because it will be inconvienient. Don't say "I HAVE to drive 50 miles each way to work". No, you don't. You can move closer to work, or find a job closer to home. You MIGHT even have to take a pay cut to get a job closer to home, but the idea now is that people are ENTITLED to their current job, their current home, and cheap personal trasportation. Last time I checked none of those things are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. The reason for this rant is that our current dependence on oil is going to force all of this into reality one of these days, that is if our economy doesn't collapse from our fiat money supply/overwhelming debt combination first. I think $3/gal gas will look pretty good in the coming years. If I could store it indefinately I would be buying as much as I could afford right now. There's that speculation I was talking about..........
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I must admit I enjoy the debate,... it's great to have someone who is willing, passionate, and educated to go back and forth with on an issue. I guess at heart I am one of the dissalusioned right. I miss my old party, and the values and ideals I felt confident they stood for. I'm not sure if I was just naive then, or if this administration has strayed, but I am not the happy Republican I used to be. I just see too much dishonesty, immorality, and financial motivation in politics today, regardless of the party lines. I guess I woke up one day,... looked around and said "DAMN!" this isn't the country I grew up in. Blame aside,...nostalgia aside,... we need some things changed,.... and fast.

Anyway, I surrender my soap box. I think Bush did it in the library with the candlestick :D

now,... I am off to write letters about that Milk situation you brought up earlier,... I think the dairy lobby is secretly funding genetic research and cloning in an effort to undermine the eco-political balance of Kajikistan..................... sorry,... my tin foil hat is picking up another frequency now. gotta go.
lol... Funny thing. I was a registered Democrat when I first reached legal voting age. Seeing that the party supported too many things I disagreed with, I slowly realized I was truly a republican. Today I am neither. Disheartened is a very nice way of putting how I feel about bothy parties. The Ronald Reagans, Zell Millers, and yes even Joe Liebermans (I disagree with many of his views but he is a man who I view as honest and trustworthy) have all been phased out or literally ran out of Washington.

The Constitution Party (or any of the other small parties out there) can't seem to get any momentum, the Libertarians are too literal, and there's no one worth their own weight in the GOP or the Democratic party. It is truly sad. The corruption and amount of $$$ in politics today is far worse than the corrupt system that was shaken up in the 1800's. We need another shake-up. With the money involved, the fact that government controls just about everything, and the fact that the court system is so congested and complex it will take either a miracle, a civil war, or God forbid... a war on our own soil to get this country united again.

Here's to a miracle...

This was fun... but you are right it could've gone on forever. It's about time one of these ended when they should - at a stalemate.
lol... Funny thing. I was a registered Democrat when I first reached legal voting age. Seeing that the party supported too many things I disagreed with, I slowly realized I was truly a republican. Today I am neither. Disheartened is a very nice way of putting how I feel about bothy parties. The Ronald Reagans, Zell Millers, and yes even Joe Liebermans (I disagree with many of his views but he is a man who I view as honest and trustworthy) have all been phased out or literally ran out of Washington.

The Constitution Party (or any of the other small parties out there) can't seem to get any momentum, the Libertarians are too literal, and there's no one worth their own weight in the GOP or the Democratic party. It is truly sad. The corruption and amount of $$$ in politics today is far worse than the corrupt system that was shaken up in the 1800's. We need another shake-up. With the money involved, the fact that government controls just about everything, and the fact that the court system is so congested and complex it will take either a miracle, a civil war, or God forbid... a war on our own soil to get this country united again.

Here's to a miracle...

This was fun... but you are right it could've gone on forever. It's about time one of these ended when they should - at a stalemate.

We DO all seem agree that politicians suck regardless of party. It's a sad state of affairs when you have to literally pick the "lesser of the evils" which is what most people say they are voting for now. Something is eventually going to have to give. I believe that eventually we will see a financial collapse of some sort. Our economy has been and is currently running on nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Not something that the current administration has created (it's taken decades to get to this point) but the current office holders certainly haven't done anything to improve it. It's really scary when you have kids. My daughters are 18 months and 3 years old and I fear for what their future holds. Maybe is a little paranoid and a lot pessimistic, and I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see how we can keep going without some kind of breakdown. I had an economics professor tell me when I was in school that another depression is impossible with "all of our knowledge that we didn't have in the 20's". That kind of ignorance is exactly what is leading us to a breakdown. Our money is virtually worthless paper and the govt just prints more and more of it making it more and more worthless with each passing day. Our national AND private debt is so great that if ANY country that is owed money calls to collect or for that matter floods the market with American dollars that they are holding (which will instantly devalue the dollar in a way that hasn't been see since the German mark after The Great War) our economy will collapse. Best bet is to buy land in the boonies and stock up on brass and lead. How's that for tin foil hat?
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what you said reminds me of an email I got awhile back about the cycle that all great societies seem to go through from inception to collapse.

it is scary when you think of it.

"During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through
the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage""

Well gas just dropped back down to being below 2 dollars, it is now 1.99 here.
We need a whole set of new threads.. and I don't mean clothes either.:lol: :lol:

I agree. Wonder if a mod could cut all the off-topic "how's and why's" discussion out of this thread. It seems to have been derailed. Although, I must admit, I've enjoyed the discussion and even learned a thing or three.

Gas prices here locally have just dropped back to $2.09 after climbing to $2.19 last week. I find myself filling up at 3/4 of a tank pretty often, not quite sure when the bottom is going to drop out. I don't want to get caught with an empty tank if gas jumps to $5 a gallon!:lol:
I find myself filling up at 3/4 of a tank pretty often, not quite sure when the bottom is going to drop out. I don't want to get caught with an empty tank if gas jumps to $5 a gallon!:lol:

Don't you wish you could store it for a LONG time. I've thought about getting stabil to add to some gas to store it (I normally keep about 20gal on hand for lawn equipment/emergency use) but by the time you add that in you've got the price right back up there, not to mention you've gotta have a BIG tank to store it in if you try and keep enough to make a difference. One of my buddies has an underground tank (5K gal if I remeber correctly) on his farm. If I had that I'd be keeping that thing topped off at all times. I remember after Katrina last year I saw a pickup pulling a car hauler with about 50 5gal gas cans on it where they went and stocked up.

Also heard this morning that Arkansas Natural Gas is lowering gas bills 22% starting next month since natural gas has been cheaper (this is after a huge hike last year). They did warn that if natural gas goes back up that our bills will do the same.

Gas here went up to $2.13 last week and is back to $2.09 now. Tulsa was $1.97 yesterday. Gas is $1.45 on the markets this morning which is were it was a couple of weeks ago.

That reminds me, I have to fill up all my empty gas cans for the equipment :(

Diesel is still around $2.59 a gallon :(

I guess I shouldn't complain at what is now an average of 48 mpg combined driving.