Vinyl Seat repair...


Super Moderator

This has been buggin me for a while now... I have a big rip in the drivers (vinyl) seat next to the "seat recliner lever". It looks horrible and if rain gets in there it's probably gonna stink to high heaven. So I was thinking of patching it with something, duct tape would turn to goo in the hot sun and get all over the place. I was also thinking a strip of vinyl (from the vinyl shop where I work) may do it. If anyone has any repair advise it would be greatly appriciated... I'm sure I'm not the only one with a ripped seat![addsig]

1075352 work in a vinyl shop! LOL Surely someone there can help you out for sure! :cool: [addsig]

Uh... Vinyl as in Vinyl letters and decals like this wise @$$.

I don't think it will hold up anyway.
Anyone with a real idea?[addsig]


I had pretty good luck, taking an extra peice of vinyl material and gluing it, fabric side to fabric side (underneath), with a good contact cement. It works better, if you glue one half, then use a couple of pencils to keep the other half apart, smear both sides with glue and carefully line up the rip, then pull the pencils out, when as much of the rip as possible is lined up and pressed together. When your finished, touch up the light spots with a felt tip pen and light bead of super glue, helps to keep the crack (rip) from peeling or fraying.
But experience has taught me, when they start tearing, they will usually tear in another spot pretty soon. Think the years of sun and weather weakens the vinyl some.
The same technique works well with leather also.
If you´ve never used contact cement before, beware. Once the glue dries and both pieces of material touch, there is no moving or sliding it again. Thats why they call it contact cement.[addsig]

That's the answer I was lookin for MudderChuck, I knew there was a better way than duct tape! I assume I can get a piece of vinyl from a local fabric store, I got some when I was doing my center console... Thanks again MC! You da man.[addsig]