YJs have no headlight reminder?


New member
or three days now there has been a jeep YJ with its lights left on, now i dont personally know the owner but jeep people need to look out for each other, this guy needs a jump at least once a week, so i started turning off his headlights for him by reaching in and clicking the switch lol im afraid this is going to become a daily routine :P today i think im gonna leave a note on his seat telling him i have been turning them off for him, i drive a jeep cherokee and my jeep yells at me for leaving the headlights on the second i open the door (BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!!) i was just wondering, do YJs not have this feature?

He may have the fuse pulled for the door jam alert, which goes off of you leave your keys in it or leave the lights on and open the door, you have to pull if you take the doors off...I have left my lights on a few times b/c of this.
we have an alarm for that? wow, i never knew that, i thought the headlights being on was the only warning we had.
superj said:
we have an alarm for that? wow, i never knew that, i thought the headlights being on was the only warning we had.

lol well i like the way my running lights look around sunset, so i turn them on then but i dont notice when they are still on, but i leave my headlights on sometimes on accident lol but i remember when i hear the beep

i know cherokees have them but i never knew the old wranglers have them. i figured the new wranglers had them though (new being 90+)
Hey I was trying..I know the TJ's do...some of the YJ's may not, guess they didnt get fancy until later...LOL... my guess they wouldnt have put that feature on b/c the doors come off, but really I have no clue...LMAO
man all i know is im gettin a little tired of it lol dude needs to give his jeep the last second "goodbye ill see you later, awe dont cry, ill drive you home in a couple hours" glance i always give mine lol
well, there is an easy fix, install daylight kit!.. then if you want your lights on during the day, do like I do, put a rubber cap over the sensor unit.. the lights come on when you turn on your key, they turn off after you turn off your key in however many minutes or seconds you program in.. mine stay on about 1 minute, gives me time to get to the door or whatever.. then blink .. they're gone.. if I want them on with the key off, I just turn the switch to normal lights.. but.. if I forget, its walk home buddy.. I don't use the normal side anyway, so not to worry about that part for me..

all cars with head lights have reminders on them... it's the two bright lights on the front and red lights on the rear. Got to love people who never pay attention in life..