YJ 90 Brake Line Replacement advice


New member
Anyone ever replace their entire brake lines for a YJ?
I was looking at pre-bent braided lines, but they don't have them for model years past 89.

Anyone know of pre-bent kits out there?
Or should I just get the pipe and bend it myself?
ALSO WHAT SIZE PIPE? 1/4 1/8 ???
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance...


I believe the correct size is 3/16"... I just bought hard line for the rear I am putting under my YJ. I only bought them for back ups. I think the only place you can get pre-bent is from the dealer. If you buy straight line and a bender you could do it yourself. The only thing is they only sell certain sizes of straight hard line. I needed a 45 inch piece but I had to buy a 51". If you have a flange tool you could cut it, reflange it, and bend it to what you want. All that would probably save you some money. But a dealer would most likley be the only place that has pre-bent lines that I know of. good luck
i replaced all of my hardlines when i installed my Skyjacker SS lines. the hardest part is making the spirals that lead into the brake fluid resivor. to make things easier use the old lines as a template when making the new ones..good luck. it should be too challenging for an individual who owns a jeep.lol :lol: oh yeah..dont go with pre-bent lines...they are WAAAYYY over priced..all it takes is 25- 30 feet of brake line and some fitting at any auto parts store.. got mine for around 30 bucks Canadian so you should be able too get it even cheaper..being in america and all. (Parts are cheapewr)