yet another advantage of owning a jeep


Active member

after taking a full day of deliveries at work (sandwich shop) i took note of a great advantage jeep drivers have while taking deliveries... curb in the way? so what? climb over it! today i had 2 deliveries on the same side of a busy highway that were about a block away from eachother. instead of waiting for traffic to pass and turn left, pull out on the street, and make another left into the next destination, i just jumped a few curbs, climbed a few snowy banks, and i was there! viola! :)



I used to do stuff like that in my k car when i delivered pizza's and still do it in My jeep. i drive over anything in my way. Me and my buddies always joke with civc guys at hang out downtown, about how we are going to run them over and see how well my can flex.

A lowered civic makes for a GREAT rti ramp.... if you can't find a lowered one... use one that's not lowered, they're just as effective. [addsig]


After sitting for about half an hour, at the junction of two highways, at a signal. Behind a loooong line of cars waiting for an accident to be cleared. I eyeballed the ditch next to the road, and the track through a field. On my way back, about an hour later, the accident was cleared, the traffic jam was gone. Everything was back to normal, except for the half dozen cars stuck in the ditch right where I had left earlier. Gee that´s a good idea, lets follow him. :lol:

edited by: MudderChuck, Feb 02, 2003 - 09:49 PM[addsig]


I was heading down hwy 25 from Colorado back to Albuquerque. I get to just past Santa Fe and the traffic comes to a complete stop. So after 15 minutes, I pull off to the right into the dirt and just cruise on by the accident. I got dirty looks from the cops, but they were busy with the accident. My wife was ahead of me in our truck and called me to warn me about it. She was well in front of me and stuck in the traffic. I told her to look in her rear view. I had caught up to her because she waited in the traffic for almost an hour like a good citizen. [addsig]