xj leaf length

Your shackle would lie flat and be useless, therefore the suspension wouldn't work very well.

if that link doesnt work give it a little bit and try it again, myspace's server is messing up. it'll work though.

what about using leafs the same length and width but made for a different vehicle like a large truck?
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Why? Really.
yes it does, dont get me wrong, im not going for that at all. i was considering using some ford f150 lift springs i can get really chap that are the same width and length but thicker springs. would this matter at all?
Well heres the thing, your always gonna be able to pull your shackle straight like that under full droop because the leaf will stretch and bend till the shackle is in line or until the leaf breaks, especially with the weight of a tire and axle like that. At rest you want your shackle angle like this --> / or maybe a few degrees more.