WOW! Sparky Watts actually bought me a Jeep!!!


New member
RE: Here we go - pregnant again!

Thanks for the XMAS gift Sparky!! I can actually say I own a real Surrey! When I received the package, I was racking my brain trying to guess what was inside. Too bad there was no camera to record the look on my face...LOL!
It's got a little bit less rust than Sully's CJ, but I think it adds character.:lol:

Poser shot:

Flex Shot:

More Flex:

I love the Mighty Surrey...with the fringe...on top!
I can't believe you actually found one...LOL! :lol: :lol:
You all know I name all of my jeepz...first was "6 Pack", next was "Roshambo" and now, I introduce to you: "PINKO" :lol: :lol:


Looks like a nice restoration project for ya Mingez! Keep us posted as to the progress of that diamond in the rough.

Looking at the flex pics, I'd say you need about a 1/2" lift and you need to remove the track and sway bars!

And oh yeah, round headlights? Time for a rectangular conversion!

I was wondering who won that auction.


nice sharks hat..... sigh, i miss hockey. i'm getting sick of nba highlights on sportscenter.
RE: Re: RE: Here we go - pregnant again!

Now all you need is Barbie to drive that thing...............I'll see what I can do. :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

RE: Re: RE: Steering box, comment & question.

I'm surprised you never saw this thread. It was up at the top of the main list for quite a while! Actually, someone else here had bid on it and I didn't realize it until after I bid, so some props go to other Jeepz peepz, too. :lol:
RE: YJ Fender Flares

looks like a good start... that rust shouldn't be anything a little POR-15 couldnt' take care of. then get yourself some camo paint and for god's sake, A NEW TOP.
stock gc bumper, donut

Sparky-Watts said:
I'm surprised you never saw this thread. It was up at the top of the main list for quite a while! Actually, someone else here had bid on it and I didn't realize it until after I bid, so some props go to other Jeepz peepz, too. :lol:

OH MY GAWD! :shock: :shock:

I don't know how I missed that thread!!! Wait... I was out of town I think. I can't believe you all had a thread dedicated to that! Hahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

You guys are too much...
"Has Mingez seen this thread?" "He's laying back for a freebee!"
I love my Jeepz Peepz, you all have such a fantastic sense of humor. I've been laughing sporadically since I received the Surrey and my employees have been looking at me funny. NOW it's even funnier.

RE: I installed my grille guard!

This is seriously way to funny!!! But I will admit, the surrey suits you well mingez.....