wiring to the alternator on 82 cj7


New member
Can anyone tell me how the wiring should go from the battery to solenoid, starter, coil, etc on 82 cj7. I have it starting but the alterator is not charging the battery when it is running. I carried the alternator and had it checked so I know that is not the problem. It's got to be how i have it wired I suppose.........

I'm assuming you have the 4.2 engine here with standard delco alternator.

Anyways, there are only three wires that connect to the alternator.

There's the white two-pronged plug that connects to the top with a brown wire going back through the harness and a red wire with a loop on the end of it, and then there is the big terminal bolt on the back of the alternator.

You will see a wire with a terminal loop coming off that white plug. (red wire i think) that connects to the terminal block on the back of the alternator.

There is also another wire with a terminal loop that comes off your starter switch. This also connects to the same bolt back of the alternator.

thats pretty much it. Just plug the white thing in the top, and hook up the two loops to the bolt on the back.
See if this sounds right.....I'm coming off of the positive side of battery to solenoid, out of other side of solenoid to starter, out of big terminal on alternator(with small red wire looped out of plug on alt. back into terminal) to wire looped to ignition switch and battery on solenoid. Red wire from coil goes to ignition(small terminal) side of solenoid. anywhere close???????Heip is appreciated!!!