Where to buy a lug nut??


New member
Hi again guys. Well, I got some 31" tires put on this past weekend! Looks much better than the puny stock tires.
When I got home, I was double checking the tightness of the lugs with the tire iron, and I noticed that one of the three lugs for the spare tire was missing. I called the shop and they said they hadn't found any laying around. I'm a little nervous about having onlu lugs holding it in place....where can I buy just ONE lug for my '04 TJ? The online store on this site only sells them in large numbers. Thanks guys, as usual. :roll:

Oops, what I meant to say was that I'm nervous about having only 2 lugs holding it in place. But you knew that, right?
Most tire shops should be able to sell you just one, or at least all the ones around here do. Just call 'em up and ask them if they can
They're different than what's on the axles, probably a dealer only item.

I wouldn't worry about it, just make sure the 2 remaining lugs are across from each other and not next to each other.

I have had a broken stud on my spare the entire time I've owned it I am too lazy to replace the stud. Never had a problem with it. I got some from the tire store when I got the tires. They charged me $1.00 each but I think is you just need 1 they will probably just give it to you.
i've always had only 2... and they are the top two, next to each other... at least gravity is not an enemy with the bottom one

Local tire shop should have a bunch of lug nuts behind the counter.And you can get individual lug nuts.
Snitty said:
i've always had only 2... and they are the top two, next to each other... at least gravity is not an enemy with the bottom one
Careful, you'll bend the tire up and ruin the carrier if you drive off any ledge or rock and you spare hits, ask me how I know ;)