What kind of choices are these?!?!?!


New member
Man we have to pick from two guys who can't even ride bikes to run our country. :lol: Not very promising hehehehe. These are pics and excerpts from online news site articles:

President fell off bike Saturday.. Kerry told reporters in front of cameras, 'Did the training wheels fall off?'... Reporters are debating whether to treat it as on or off the record...

Earlier this month, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry took a spill from his bicycle while riding with Secret Service agents through Concord, Mass., about 18 miles north of Boston. Kerry fell when his bike hit a patch of sand. He was not injured.

Nice helmet, dork.

Kerry probably fell because he saw some of his old military buddies, and not wanting to take a beating, he tried to get away before they saw him.

What's funny, is that Bush took more damage falling off a bike than Kerry did getting three Purple Hearts in Vietnam. :lol:
Yeah, but Kerry can atleast pronounce the word: "Vietnam." Sorry buds, but these guys are both dorks. Just one of them is the more articulate dork.

I'll go along with that. I'm not too pleased about Bush's spending habits. I don't know what to make of this legislation, it's like they don't realize that they are finally in a position to get all the stuff they have been bitching and moaning about for years taken care of, and they are still playing the political underdogs and refusing to lay it all out.
I'll vote for Bush because I think the country is safer with him from a "we don't have to take crap from anybody" standpoint, and he recognizes the fact that THIS is the greatest country in the world.....something his opponent has long forgotten.

Want to fix all of this? In your next local election, vote for the Libertarian candidate. Maybe after enough of them are elected on the small scale, we can begin filling Washington with people who actually care about US a little bit. Until then, I'm voting Republican or I'm not voting.....I'll be damned if I support a bunch of socialists, and vote for a Dem.
I am not at all into this political crap, but from what I have seen, I DO NOT want that Kerry loser in the big seat. I love making fun of him. "IF I AM PRESIDENT"

What issues we as off road enthusiast should be looking at what our two canidates policies are on off-roaders rights and wilderness issues.
Kerry is pro wilderness...most save the tree groups are throwing lots of money his way. We will loose alot of state and federal lands if this man is elected.
I am not as fond of Prsident Bush either but he has proven that off-roaders do have rights and access to off road trails.

We as a group need to be aware of our local, state, and federal canidates policies off access rights and issues. We need to question each about there opinion and policies before we elect them into office.
Every parcial of land they protect is another mile of road that we will never see again.
I urge you to get involved and get out and vote...or are tree hugger friends will take that lovly trail you rode on last week and close it off for good.

I urge you to join a local group that is active in your local states politics or push your group into getting involved...a good place to start is United Four Wheel Drive Associations Inc.

By being a non-voter and/or not getting involved you dont have a voice on this issue.
Junkpile said:
I'll vote for Bush because I think the country is safer with him from a "we don't have to take crap from anybody" standpoint, and he recognizes the fact that THIS is the greatest country in the world.....something his opponent has long forgotten.

Well since we're on a political subject, I have to say I'll most likely vote for Kerry. The arrogant and myopic "we don't have to take this crap from anybody" macho attitude is reckless and has put us in a less safe place today. We DON'T have to take this crap from anybody, but there's a smart way to go about not taking it and a stupid way. Bush is choosing the latter. The playground bully who thinks he's hot s**t never wins in the long run...he may push everyone around for a moment...but he typically loses in the end. I agree that we have the greatest country in the world in many ways, and it is befitting of more insightful leadership and direction than Bush has shown.

I also find it ironic that many Bush addicts find a way to discredit Kerry who did fight in Vietnam while conveniently overlooking the pseudo-assignment and questionable service which Bush had.
I agree that we have the greatest country in the world in many ways

"IN MANY WAYS" :roll: that said it all. No we are the greatest, plain and simple. There is no need to throw in a self-doubting disclaimer like "in many ways"
Bush isn't being a bully, he's letting this generation of scum know that we won't stand for this type of thing. Hopefully through this attitude my children won't have to deal with the REAL bullies that killed 3000 of my fellow citizens a couple of years ago. Remember that? We aren't the bullies....we're the guys that got tired of the bullies picking on people and were doing what others are afraid to do.

I agree with most of what Special K said (Big Surprise). But I think we are more at risk and less safe as a result of Bush's policies. We've created more enemies, gained less support from our allies, and are now over-extended security-wise. Don't be duped into believing we don't need our friends and allies in the rest of the world. That support is waining.

We are the greatest nation in the world, true, but we are in no way perfect. Blind patriotism doesn't work. Just ask Germany (NOt that we are comperable to that regime) They never questioned their leaders and look where it got them. Questioning your leaders doesn't mean you are not a patriot. It means you aren't just going to accept the first sales pitch. It means you care enough to question government. It means you are a healthy and unpacified skeptic. I think, the very definition of an American.

Bush is reckless and irresponsible, I'll NEVER vote for someone like him. I'd like to see a Dem (Not Kerry) that is moderate, and has a platform making security more of a priority. I'd like to see a moderate Republican, (Not Bush) that won't sacrifice important domestic issues, ie Education, to make way for senseless military spending. I'm not for cutting military spending, just against wasteful and irresponsible spending.

And these "Moralists" or social conservatives need to quit trying to dictate how everyone should live their life... it's none of their damned business.
Junkpile said:
"IN MANY WAYS" :roll: that said it all. No we are the greatest, plain and simple. There is no need to throw in a self-doubting disclaimer like "in many ways"
Bush isn't being a bully, he's letting this generation of scum know that we won't stand for this type of thing. Hopefully through this attitude my children won't have to deal with the REAL bullies that killed 3000 of my fellow citizens a couple of years ago. Remember that? We aren't the bullies....we're the guys that got tired of the bullies picking on people and were doing what others are afraid to do.

It's funny, when I typed that, I knew someone would pick up on just that phrase. It was even a bit intentional.

Listen, we do have a great country, many say the greatest country, and I'm one of those. The "we're the greatest uncategorically" is great for a pep rally but but that's about it. I'm American...and proud of it, I've traveled to and learned enough about other countries to recognize there are areas where America can improve. While America is the greatest OVERALL, there are things we could learn from other countries. Our education system is not the greatest (many other countries are structured much better), our system of representation is squewed to a winner-take-all rather than one that represents the cross section of the country (some other countries fold that broad representation into their legislative system more effectively), and many other examples. Our foreign policy while great in many ways, is also atrocious in too many other ways...I'm not talking just Bush...I'm talking over a period of decades. Our country has done some very underhanding things overseas.

Does the fact that I say there are some components of America that are not the best mean I hate America? Get real. Though some zealots might say so, it just means I'm a bit more realistic and don't get caught up in simply symbolic, largely empty gestures of patriotism. Wanna be a real patriot? Move beyond symbolic gestures that to more substantial and meaningful forms (i.e. looking at your country with a critical eye and understanding where your country can improve, challenge it to improve, question leaders (yes, even Bush) on their direction, etc.).

Finally, yes I do remember the 3000 people killed on 9/11. But that doesn't justify every possible action that any harebrained leader can conjure up...and shouldn't be used as the first line of defense which is supposed to nullify any possible criticism of our president. When you understand the roots of 9/11, it's easy to recognize we're making matters worse right now in many ways...not better.
Summer Running Temp?

By being a non-voter and/or not getting involved you dont have a voice on this issue.
i DO vote... but i refuse to vote for either kerry or bush in this upcoming election...

about the "did the training wheels fall off?" that kerry said... this stuff is just retarded... what maturity and leadership does that show? mocking officials of your own nation, while you are trying to sit in that position is just insane... i think it is childish how the candidates attack each other... they spend too much time and money saying what is wrong with their "opponent" rather than explaining their own qualities and intentions. I rarely watch TV, but when I do... i always see a campaign commercial, and NEVER EVER do I see one that DOESNT attack the opposing candidate... I realize that it is tactical to show the weakpoints of what may happen.. but that shows nothing about the strength or quality of the advertising candidate. it is not a game, but they treat it like it is... they are treating it as if they are NOT even citizens of the same country... if kerry wins the election, is bush still going to attack him? is he going to abandon his citizenship? no... he's likely still going to be an involved politician, and is going to work WITH him, and FOR him. If they were face to face with each other a year from now, are they still going to attack each other (not physically)? Not likely... political elections are garbage... i refuse to vote for idiots... In the rare occasion when i see a decent politician running for an office that i have jurisdiction to vote for, i make it a point to vote... but if voting will do me, or my country no good, i dont' waste my time... i refuse responsibility for their mistakes... anyone who voted for bush in the last election (assuming that he was really voted in) is somewhat responsible for where America is now. Of course they are not at fault, because they cannot make bush's decisions, and was not aware of the decisions he would make. Same goes with the winner of the next election... anyone who votes for the upcoming president is partially responsible for any mistakes they make... I'm not saying that everyone who voted for bush knew that they were making a mistake, and doesnt make them irresponsible citizens... but we now know what he is all about, and what he will do... I won't make a blind vote, I don't trust either candidate in this election...

i'm tired... if i didn't make any sense there... ignore it... but that was what i had to say for the time being

I loved after 9/11, when Bush addressed the nation and stated that we are going after the "axis of evil", Iraq included. Everyone I talked to was on-board with George. Why is everybody's minds changing or changed?

The most common response is "What did Saddam ever do to us ?" But those are the same people who say we should have got Bin Laden pre 9/11.

What did he ever do to Americans on our soil pre 9/11?

Why should we have went after him?

We no longer reserve that luxury of waiting. Thats my understanding.
Any 4x4 Shops??

John McCain for President!!! Oh that's right... the leftist slanted media made him out to be a hot-headed angry nutcase in the '00 election. Too damn bad, he's one of the only politicians out there that seem to "get it".
Anyone GeoCaching?!

What did he ever do to Americans on our soil pre 9/11?

He was involved with the 1994 trade center attack

Everyone I talked to was on-board with George. Why is everybody's minds changing or changed?

my mind never changed... i wasn't too fond of him from the start

Utah_jeepster said:
What issues we as off road enthusiast should be looking at what our two canidates policies are on off-roaders rights and wilderness issues.

That issue should be in the individual States' hands. Besides, as much as I value offroading, with all the stuff going on today I think my vote will be decided on larger scale issues. Not downplaying the importance of that issue, but in comparison to national security, war, the possibility of a draft, the economy, etc it does seem a bit dwarfed. I don't think either candidate will make it something they run on anyhow.

I never thought this thread would spark a debate, it was just supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek look at what we have to work with. I guess I shoulda seen it coming... :lol:
Collins Bros. Jeep/TJ Flares

TwistedCopper said:
John McCain for President!!! Oh that's right... the leftist slanted media made him out to be a hot-headed angry nutcase in the '00 election. Too damn bad, he's one of the only politicians out there that seem to "get it".

Yeah, he was pretty funny on SNL!! Atleast he had a sense of humor about it.

That issue should be in the individual States' hands. Besides, as much as I value offroading, with all the stuff going on today I think my vote will be decided on larger scale issues. Not downplaying the importance of that issue, but in comparison to national security, war, the possibility of a draft, the economy, etc it does seem a bit dwarfed. I don't think either candidate will make it something they run on anyhow.

True...don't forget education. Where you and I agree (Usually) is on the topic of "Smaller Government".
I love to wheel, but I'd give it up in a heart beat if it meant finally dealing with those issues logically and efficiently.

I never thought this thread would spark a debate, it was just supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek look at what we have to work with. I guess I shoulda seen it coming...

DUDE, you know as well as I do that there are WAY too many strong personalities and opinions on this site. You and I not excluded! :lol: :lol:

I appreciate the intelligent/funny responses though. There are some witty people on this site.
gas tank skid question

TwistedCopper said:
That issue should be in the individual States' hands. Besides, as much as I value offroading, with all the stuff going on today I think my vote will be decided on larger scale issues. Not downplaying the importance of that issue, but in comparison to national security, war, the possibility of a draft, the economy, etc it does seem a bit dwarfed. I don't think either candidate will make it something they run on anyhow.:
First the President has a large control over making policies and that includes making federal national parks. Look at what cigar-boy (Clinton) did he created the San Rafle swell National park cutting off 1200 acres to ranchers and off roaders.
This park wasnt wanted nor needed but eviromentalists pushed him into signing this park into exsistance. We here in Utah are still fighting it in courts and will be for decades!
One slip of the pen and the "NATIONAL" park service can change access policies...you know those right of way thingies? the Old road we 4x4 on?
This is a MAJOR issue to us.

TwistedCopper said:
I never thought this thread would spark a debate, it was just supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek look at what we have to work with. I guess I shoulda seen it coming... :lol:

This "debate" has produced some wonderful comments and issues...I like seeing this type of stuff argued (in a adult manner).

snitty said:
i DO vote... but i refuse to vote for either kerry or bush in this upcoming election...
Good! we as americans do have rights... and one of the biggest is the right to vote! My father used to say.. if your not registared to vote....dont open your mouth about what happens in this country...you dont have that right.