Went to the monster trucks last night.


New member
I went to the monster truck show in the Louisiana Superdome last night. Probally was like my 10th time going. I try to go every year. Is it just me or does Grave digger always seem to lose a wheel during freestyle? It was amazing seeing that truck do donuts and halfway into it lose it lose his back tire and rim. Man, he just kept going like nothing ever happened. I think they plan on that every time to get the crowd going. It is so loud in that Superdome.

Was Dennis Anderson driving digger or was it is back up?

I know he was injured
Another igniton problem. Any ideas?

Good ole Dennis was driving this time. That truck is just so amazing what it can do compared to the other ones. IT seems as if he is a lot lighter that the other trucks.
We used to pass Grave Diggers home and see the truck out in the yard everytime we went down to Hatteras to go surfing from Hampton, VA. It is an awesome truck.

The monster truck show is hitting Seattle next, then it's coming here to Vancouver first week or two of Feb. I don't know what it's like in other places but here it gets pretty roudy. Lots of drunken fights break out and you don't even need to bring your own weed because there's so much of it in the air. It's getting stupid. Last year, so many drunken idiots ran out across the feild they had to keep stopping every 5 minutes. There was even a drunk naked chic that did it (that was ok). The driver of the Gravedigger stopped mid show and got on the mic. He said out of all the stops in North America, this is the worst place to go...too many drunken idiots. Later on another drunken idiot jumped down and started running across the field right past Grave Diggers truck. Next thing you see is the driver of the Grave Digger flying through the air off the side of his truck, tackling the guy to the ground and pounding the crap out of the guy...it was great! Seems like it's turned into a big hick event where everyone cheers on the guy with the biggest mullet. Everyone starts yelling "mullet, mullet, mullet" until the guy starts dancing around making an ass of himself. I used to go every year when I was a kid but now it's not something you'd want to take your kids to...they might get hit with a flying beer bottle or they'd at least be stoned.
Peopleact pretty good around here, well other than the stupid kids behind me kicking my seat. That would have been great to see the driver kick his butt.
It sucks here in Utah. We usually have 2. One in the Delta Center (basketball stadium), and one at the E Center (hockey stadium) They are way to small they can barely hit the gas before they have to stop. Makes for some pretty boring monster truck driving.

Hey funny you brough this up.

The monster truck show is next weekend here on the eastern shore of MD. My brother and his g/f were going and mentioned it to me. I knew about it but I couldnt' believe he didn't ask me to go. lol

He said "i didn't think you'd be interested". DUH??? I guess he missed the off road machine parked in the driveway.

I am THERE! I've got a cuz mechanic that is doing a demolition derby there too. Gonna be fun.
