Wagoneer in glamis?


New member
There is a pretty cheap wagoneer in my area. It has a auto transmission and a 360 engine. I would snap it up but i am concerned with taking it to Glamis. For anyone that doesent know, glamis is all sand. Is the wagoneer too heavy to do anything but the lightest off roading? will it get stuck easily? anyone have any sand experience with one of these?
Thanks for any help.

my buddy had a waganeer when I was in high school we use to take it out to the sand pit all the time, never once got it stuck, later I got my WJ and I havn't had it stuck in the sand yet either. Alot of it is going to be the way you drive it, also tires.
If your tires can make that big fat footprint, they should be able to hold pretty much anything up. We took a loaded down 14 passenger van out onto the beach here in Oregon, and had almost no problems with it once we aired down a bit. I would that that the majority of concern would be about footprint, and a little less about actual weight?