Uh oh, please help!


New member
Changed my oil myself the other day, and ever since my jeep hasent run right. Its a 98 TJ 2.5 4 cycl. Its most noticeable when I first put it into gear, reverse usually, its stutturs like it wants to stall, and the whole ride just feels pretty sluggish........ I dont know where to begin fixing this. Is there something I possibly couldve done wrong when changing my oil thatll do this?
Also, I just tried starting it up to see what it does, and it tends to lag a little bit when it starts, not chug, or anything, but I can deffinitly feel a difference when it starts.....

I can't think of anything that you could have done to cause this, short of bumping vacuum lines. Is it an auto trans?
I've heard of people getting plugged oil filters or installing oil filters with some kind of plastic inside them. I don't know if a plugged oil filter would cause this problem but if all you did is change the oil it's all I can think of.
I got one a couple months ago that had a bad seal, put it on the wifes truck, finished with refilling with oil, started the truck, walked around front and it was blowing oil all over the place, by the time I got it shut off there had to be two quarts of oil on the ground. Spent most of the rest of the day cleaning the driveway before the EPA declared my place a superfund site :lol:

Well the thing is, im not losing any oil, in fact my oil is exactly where it should be on the dip stick, I thought my oil filter may have been loose, but thats fine. Im just really baffeled because my jeep was running like a dream before I changed the oil.
Sounds unrelated to the oil change, just ironic timing. Did the check engine light come on? Have you pulled the trouble codes?
On my last post I meant to type something and forgot to say that......... yea I pulled the codes, nothing wrong, no engine light either....kinda baffeled

Hi ZBTstang

Did you put a new air filter in? Maybe disturbing the air cleaner base knocked a vacumn line loose to it or behind it where it's not noticable
there arent any vacume lines on your tj is there? i know that i dont ahve any on mone other than the crank vent valve but that doesnt normally do anything, what kind of oil did u put in it? it could be that if you bought this from a different person he might have put thicker oil in it for some reason, and maybe your using a thinner oil? that can cause a loss of compression, also check to make sure that u didnt knock off a spark plug wire, and that none of them are dammaged, i had a case on a camaro that there was a small splinter of metal in the wire which was arching onto the block wich didnt cause a check engien light but caused a loss of power during take off and a slight miss. took about 3 days to find it and when i did i kicked myself for not checking the wires....
I used the same oil I put in last time, regular Napa 10W-30, I honestly dont know anything about vaccum lines, and my oil filter is in good shape, put it in not to long ago, maybe ill check that to make sure its hooked up right....would having the case not fully closed make a difference?
On latest inspection my jeep is Idiling at 10,000rpm, this was after a long trip. Also I had filled up my gas tank last night, it was full, and when I started the jeep up the guage read a little below full, which is abnormal, and I also burned a quarter of a tank for about a 20 minute drive, which usually barely moves the guage.

79 cj7 rear

ZBTstang said:
On latest inspection my jeep is Idiling at 10,000rpm

Geez, at that speed my Jeep would blow up!

But about your problem, maybe some sludge or something got stirred up in the engine?

-Nick :!:
Blow up, maybe im wrong but isnt 10,000 rpm 1 on the tach, or do I have the decimal in the wrong place..hehe. Its idiling at 1rpm on the tach, when it should be atl ike 75
The tachometer is the displayed digit times 1000...

so "1" = 1000 RPMs
and .75 = 750 RPMs

Therefore, most Jeeps' tachometers only go up to like 6000 or so RPMs. :mrgreen:

BTW, you probably don't want to try getting up around or past 5000 RPMs :P

-Nick :!:

haha, no I know about where rpms should be, I just thought they were read in thousands, not 100's, like I said, just kinda reading it the wron gway, I know where it should be, etc and everything though
I just wanted to say thanks everybody for helping me on this post....however my jeep seemed to magicaly fixed itself, like my jeep tends to do, im just gonna account it all for the non stop days of moisture, not so much straight rain, but more like the swamp New England turns into
Sounds like your problem may have been the moisture anyway. Maybe some water in the ignition system that dried up. Who knows?