Trip to the West ---Ultimate Adventure


Active member
You know how time flys when you have more people riding with you.

Kinda like our own Ultimate Adventure. I know a few People that could give us places to stay ( free lodging :) )

Picture it: Riding down the highway, Stops for food and wheelin along the way. Hit the Rockies, Think of all the diffrent terrian. Stop at the Badlands.
Actually meet some westcoast Jeepers.

If your worried about breakage, We could work together.
Worst case we get a tow dolly for 50.00 No Problem.

: this will be edited a few times for sure. :

White, your painting a very tempting picture! Got a son in the Rockies that we need to go see. Just started my job and am building time..........C'mon lottery!!!!!

I may be the first one on the dolly, but what the h#*@! Sounds GREAT!

I like the idea, looks like its got to be planned out, could be a head to the west coast to our final stop the ulimate trail ride that never happened
LGR said:
I like the idea, looks like its got to be planned out, could be a head to the west coast to our final stop the ulimate trail ride that never happened

Hey now! That would be just "Capital" .

Check out to search wheelers all over the country willing to lend a hand when needed, share a brew, and guide some local wheelin. Once you register you can search the database.

If you can come through the Midwest I can surely show you around with some great camping available. It's worth at least 2 days of wheelin.
When might this adventure happen persay? I've never driven west or been midwest. I wish I had more time off. LOL It sounds great to me.

Soon, Iam Thinking Spring.
I'll do winter, but that means no camping.
If I see any intrest to go sooner ?
New mexico in the winter would be fun !

Best new product I've seen

I'd have to get a locked and lifted Winnebago to haul my clan around LOL

I won't be able to do anything like that for years, but man it sounds like fun!
Lodging for some and beer for all in NM...If I am still living here. But remember...NM is still cold for camping in the winter.

It's not like AZ. Spring...we could do the Gila National Forest.. Fishing, camping, trailing..... Yeah baby. And then....CA here we come!
I need a on-line map.. An image to cut and paste possiable route. Something that has the major interstates on it..

Well, If you come anywhere near Oregon, I would be willing to show everyone around some of the trails here!! Maybe we could hit the coast as well...There's tons of areas around here for that! I could also offer a place to stay and make repairs if needed.

White, where are you located? Will you be coming from the east coast?
White said:
I need a on-line map.. An image to cut and paste possiable route. Something that has the major interstates on it..

It's better, because unlike mapquest it will actually give you a zoomed out veiw of the US, but still includes Freeway/ Hwy designations. Mapsquest sucks, if you zoom out to far, it won't show roads.

Not your ordinary O2 sensor question.

just FYI, (i'm a former long beach jeeper) if you wanted to plan your trip to end on an awesome ride, check out Tierra Del Sol. this is a jeep club from San Diego that hosts a desert safari out near the sultan sea every year (i believe it's the first weekend in march). lots of vendors, big giveaways, wicked day and night rides, good people, and one hell of a time. also, some pretty cool trails up in Big Bear/ Arrowhead area.

sounds like this is going to be a month long ride, wish i could go.

mrVfr said:
Ah yes indeed it is getting chilly down in NM there has already been snow up on Sierra Blanca

Hey Man,

Nice to see another person in the area. Anytime you want to wheel, let me know. :wink: