TJ parking light fuse problem


New member
Hi, My girlfriends 2000 TJ blew the parking light fuse this morning while driving, I replaced the fuse but it blew out again.
Has anyone else had this problem? It's cold in Ohio, we have been having rain, snow, ice rain, etc. I don't have a garage and I don't want to be outside working on it for a long time. Help!!

Probably got condensation in one of the bulbs causing the fuse to blow. Sounds like a cold job.
warn winch

I had this problem before because my trailer wiring harness went bad. I replaced the harness
and all was well.

found it. the drivers front turn signal light socket went bad. it looks like road salt got into it.
after work i replaced the fuse again and the lights worked this time. looked at all the lights to make sure they were on and the front one was smoking. now to find a replacement.....

i have one but its filled with dirt hehehehe same thing happened with my lights filled with mud and shorted out blowing fuses all the time
How to tell how much lift I have?

I got a replacment at the dealership but they dont sell the light socket by its self. you get the socket,bulb and lens. paid $16. :D I was expecting it to be more expensive but I'm not complaining...