Ticking in drivetrain

Casey Rider

New member
Have a ticking sound coming from t176 or dana 300, noise increases with speed and gets louder the faster you go. Put in a rebuild t176(old one was shot), pilot bushing in place. And noise continues, took out rear driveshaft, still there, Front driveshaft and still there. I'm baffled and curious if anyone else had this problem. Noise started going over a roller bump on the highway. Opened the dana 300 and all the gears seemed to be good and rotated nicely. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Assuming this is a cj since your talking about the 176 and 300. Their is a cover over the transmission at the shifters you can take off, then take off the bolts to the top cover of your trans and you can visually inspect it as you did the trans case. Never have had a ticking from a transmission, but don't mean it cant happen. I have had a ticking sound coming from a frayed speedo cable spinning inside the cable casing just waiting to break. Also from the front tires, from a bent rotor dust shield or warped rotor hitting the pads. Just a couple thoughts if you take the top cover off the trans and everything looks fine. speedo cable is my guess though if the trans looks ok inside, you can unscrew it from the trans and use your fingers to spin the cable.
Thanks for the information. I will be checking those places in hopes of finding the problem area. I will reply later today after I look into what you have said, thank you.
Checked the transmission and everything looks to br good, changed the fluid. Sound is still there, took it to a shop for their opinion and they think it is coming from the dana 300. Not sure if something may just need to be tightened or if a rebuild is coming. Does anyone know some tolerances that I could check to see if the dana 300 needs a rebuild?