This is just annoying to me...


New member
RE: Pictures

Nationwide news, we've made now, how freaking great is that... Closing down our 101 year old aquarium forever wasn't enough. Pushing through a bill to cut all funding to things like the Detroit Zoo, the Detroit Science Centre, and the Detroit Institute of arts wasn't enough, oh no... Shutting down over half the schools wasn't enough, oh no... Putting the Super Bowl in a burned out blight filled city with no hotels or accomodations whatsoever wasn't enough, now we have this!

This is why I want to move far far far up north and stay there... I don't even live in the city, I'm in the suburbs, but this is freaking ridiculous... Maybe if we learned to manage money, and stopped buying this and that for you and yer family, the city you're mayoring might have some cash!


I typically dont advocate for new taxes but I like this one. I would like to see this nationwide and alot more than 6%, not to supplement whatever over-inflated budget but hopefully to curb the nation's obese people from mowing down on an extra whopper. How many billions of tax dollars are spent on healthcare for diseases linked to the eating habits of our nations fatties. Tax them like cigarettes, we all know we shouldnt be using them but if you want to we should tax you hard for the money your going to cost us later.

And yes I love fast food. Big Macs and McD's fries are my all time favorite meals but I know how bad they are for you and I dont go but maybe 3-4 times a year.
RE: New York Traffic

It's not so much the tax that's particularly bothering me, I'm trying to lose weight, so I am trying to eat little/no fast food... It's just that with everything else, this wasn't thought of first? I would rather have seen this tax go through before gutting the historical and cultural base of the city... Just seems like poor planning to me.
Saurian said:
It's not so much the tax that's particularly bothering me, I'm trying to lose weight, so I am trying to eat little/no fast food... It's just that with everything else, this wasn't thought of first? I would rather have seen this tax go through before gutting the historical and cultural base of the city... Just seems like poor planning to me.

I wasnt trying to call out anyone on the fatty comment. Maybe that was a little harsh. I totally understand where you are coming from on budget planning. Its a sad that so many historical and cultural places are the first to be sliced in a budget crunch.

Re: RE: Pictures

New York Times.. May 6th 2005

"New York City will end the fiscal year with a record $3.3 billion surplus "

We all need to remember here that governments or citys do not have money. There is no such thing as "government funds"
or city funds.. They only get what they take from the people. And I do mean take.
For NY City to have a surplus like that is ridiculous, they should pay it back to the people who overpaid. Or lower taxes in other areas to give it back. Any government should operate at a break-even mentality.

Yes, I HATE taxes, especially ones used wasting my money on other people who are otherwise able to work, don't work, don't want to work, and come from about the 3rd generation of non-workers.

I also cannont stand taxes used to fund the "arts"
(let the people who love the "arts" support that.

Governments waste so much money on stupid programs it will make you sick.

I do not have a problem with taxes of course for basic services like police, fire, and good city streets and the like.
Re: RE: Re: Gotta love the Bible belt....

90Xjay said:
I also cannont stand taxes used to fund the "arts"
(let the people who love the "arts" support that.

Governments waste so much money on stupid programs it will make you sick.

Are you serious? Maybe there is some sarcasim I missed, but tax dollars are greatly needed for the arts. Its how we better society and spark young minds. I probably wouldnt be an engineer if it wasnt for the technology exhibits at the museum that I went to when I was younger.

I wonder where people would get to act out the great plays and musicals if it wasnt for high school auditoriums and community theaters. I wouldnt vote for using 100% of the budget for art but I would hate to see where we would be as a society without places like museums, public libraries, playhouses, etc.

Also, where do you think we would go to see concerts, rodeos, monster truck shows if we didnt have the publically funded stadiums to house them.
judge09 wrote
Are you serious?

Yes, I am.

judge09 wrote:
... tax dollars are greatly needed for the arts. Its how we better society and spark young minds....

(Mods, if you think this is offensive, please edit as needed. In my response to this, I am only quoting what has been reported in major news cast)

The "Sensation" exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum contains a painting of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung and adorned with cutouts from porno magazines, a cow and a pig cut up and suspended in formaldehyde, a bust made of frozen blood and depictions of children with outsized genitalia..."

The NEA, created in 1965 has funded some pretty offensive and sick displays like in 1972, for example, "Dinner Party", a triangular table with 39 place settings of vag*n*as on dinner plates.

Is this how we spark young minds?

Also, where do you think we would go to see concerts, rodeos, monster truck shows if we didnt have the publically funded stadiums to house them

I have not seen an offensive sick display at a rodeo or monster truck rally so I guess I don't have a problem with them.
The county expos and concert halls in cities often bring in ticket sales that greatly offset the taxpayer expense. Our local Expo Center actually makes a profit and the excess funds go back into the general fund.
that is good.

Judge09, if you like art displays, some of them or all of them, have an open mind or not, that is your choice and I respect that. Please don't be so alarmed when someone else has a different view. We will more than likely not aggree on this core issue and you know what? that is ok.



Dont worry I am not alarmed you are mearly one person expressing an opinion that I disagree with, nothing more. If you have hung around this message board at all you will see this happens quite a bit and often there is discussion about the topic. Do not fear, I dont believe the down fall of the modern world is coming with your post on this message board. But I also would not clump all pieces of art ever made with a painting of virgin mary smeared with crap. And that is not a reason to close all doors to every museum. Ofcourse there are some pieces of art work that I might find offensive and I would never take children to. But I dont go to that stuff. But I wouldnt want to close off avenues for creative minds either. If I dont like it, I dont go.
Re: RE: 76 cj5 rockcrawler for sale or trade

I have to say that the "fleecing of America" is one topic that gets me riled up instantly. I'm not up on my my figures, but I would guess that the unemployment rate is still pretty high right now. Around the South we have tons of illegal immigrants who work and get paid under the table. I can hardly blame them for coming here to support their families, but essentially they are taking jobs from Americans. Many small businesses take advantage because they don't have to pay the taxes, work comp and other insurance on these workers. Those businesses that skate by end up costing more for legitimate business owners who pay increased taxes.
Don't misconstrue my statement on migrant workers. They have every right to be here as long as they do it the legal way and obtain work visas and pay taxes. Otherwise they need to be escorted back to the border. They not only create a burden on our economy, but they take American jobs.

Don't even get me started on welfare programs. Something isn't right when you pass the housing projects and every other vehicle has $2000 worth of rims on it. There should be stronger limitations on welfare programs.

(Hijack)Here's one of my favorite topics that gets my wife (nurse) mad at me every time: pharmaceutical companies. Boy, these people kill me. I'm sure everyone except our Canadian friends have noticed the sky rocketing drug prices. Ever wonder why drugs that are manufactured in Mexico, Puerto Rico and other countries cost so much. You can attribute part of it to the increasing television ads, but I like to attribute most of it to their sales practices. My wife's office gets food catered at least 3 times a week. There are more than 30 people in that office. How much do you think that adds to your prescription? That is one office in one town. I have several friends that are drug reps and none of them make less than $60K a year (excellent money in AL) two of them make over $100K. Most of their time is spent going to offices and planning catered events. They have to buy off all the offices with food and trinkets to get the doctors to prescribe their drugs. Believe it or not the drugs are similar enough that many of them prescribe based on how good lunch was last week. Drug reps are merely overpaid caterers that all tack more expense to rising health care costs. (hijack off)
RE: Sig question

judge09 wrote
...Do not fear, I dont believe the down fall of the modern world is coming with your post on this message board.

Well all-righty then. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

RE: 1979 jeep cj question

redrooster said:
I have to say that the "fleecing of America" is one topic that gets me riled up instantly. I'm not up on my my figures, but I would guess that the unemployment rate is still pretty high right now. Around the South we have tons of illegal immigrants who work and get paid under the table. I can hardly blame them for coming here to support their families, but essentially they are taking jobs from Americans. Many small businesses take advantage because they don't have to pay the taxes, work comp and other insurance on these workers. Those businesses that skate by end up costing more for legitimate business owners who pay increased taxes.
Don't misconstrue my statement on migrant workers. They have every right to be here as long as they do it the legal way and obtain work visas and pay taxes. Otherwise they need to be escorted back to the border. They not only create a burden on our economy, but they take American jobs.

Don't even get me started on welfare programs. Something isn't right when you pass the housing projects and every other vehicle has $2000 worth of rims on it. There should be stronger limitations on welfare programs.

(Hijack)Here's one of my favorite topics that gets my wife (nurse) mad at me every time: pharmaceutical companies. Boy, these people kill me. I'm sure everyone except our Canadian friends have noticed the sky rocketing drug prices. Ever wonder why drugs that are manufactured in Mexico, Puerto Rico and other countries cost so much. You can attribute part of it to the increasing television ads, but I like to attribute most of it to their sales practices. My wife's office gets food catered at least 3 times a week. There are more than 30 people in that office. How much do you think that adds to your prescription? That is one office in one town. I have several friends that are drug reps and none of them make less than $60K a year (excellent money in AL) two of them make over $100K. Most of their time is spent going to offices and planning catered events. They have to buy off all the offices with food and trinkets to get the doctors to prescribe their drugs. Believe it or not the drugs are similar enough that many of them prescribe based on how good lunch was last week. Drug reps are merely overpaid caterers that all tack more expense to rising health care costs. (hijack off)

I was in the doctors office waiting room around christmas time and a drug rep came in with a handtruck full of presents for the doctors and office staff. It was crazy how much stuff they were giving out to them. Dont forget the seminars too. The wife of someone I work with was taken to Hawaii for a drug seminar. Not too bad.
RE: Re: RE: Pictures

Yep, I know a couple people who are drug reps and a couple people who are doctors. My buddy dated a girl that was a drug rep for a while. She never had to work before 10 or past 3 or 4. Doctors didn't want them around early or late. Seemed like a pretty comfy life. It's sick how the reps just butter up the docs with free food and stuff. It should be illegal. I personally don't like that prescription drug companies advertise now, and I think allowing them to go sell their product to the doctor is even worse. Doctors should be reading the journals and determining what drug is best for the patient, not based on a sales pitch.
Re: RE: WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

90Xjay said:
(Mods, if you think this is offensive, please edit as needed. In my response to this, I am only quoting what has been reported in major news cast)

We never want to edit opinions!! And your opinions are completely valid.

I have to say that I think funding for arts is essential for facilitating the progress of civlization, but there is a point at which you need to roll your eyes at such ridiculous surpluses such as the one happening in NY. That's simply mismanagement of funds.

Now I know what you are going to say, "the fecal, vaginal plate stuff isn't ART." Maybe, but that's a matter of opinion. And such opinion too is valid.

Art is good. Aquariums are good. But you have to take the good with the bad. Monster Truck shows, and German fecal art alike. (Personally, I'm more offended by the Monster Trucks.)

BTW, "Vagina" isn't a bad word no need to camoflauge! :wink:
Just don't post a pic of one! :lol:

mingez said:
Art is good. Aquariums are good. But you have to take the good with the bad. Monster Truck shows, and German fecal art alike. (Personally, I'm more offended by the Monster Trucks.)

Come on now...if you have an ounce of testosterone I know you will get into monster trucks. There is just something about destruction with abnormally large vehicles that gets the old heart pumping.
RE: stupid cars with stupid doors

Mingez wrote
BTW, "Vagina" isn't a bad word no need to camoflauge!
Just don't post a pic of one!

Otay! I just didn't want to take a chance and get my b*g A*@ kicked off of this kick A@* forum :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: Re: RE: stupid cars with stupid doors

90Xjay said:
Mingez wrote
BTW, "Vagina" isn't a bad word no need to camoflauge!
Just don't post a pic of one!

Otay! I just didn't want to take a chance and get my b*g A*@ kicked off of this kick A@* forum :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: NEVER!

judge09 said:
mingez said:
Art is good. Aquariums are good. But you have to take the good with the bad. Monster Truck shows, and German fecal art alike. (Personally, I'm more offended by the Monster Trucks.)

Come on now...if you have an ounce of testosterone I know you will get into monster trucks. There is just something about destruction with abnormally large vehicles that gets the old heart pumping.

Nope, sorry, I don't have a mullet. JK! :wink:
what do u think?

mingez said:
judge09 said:
mingez said:
Art is good. Aquariums are good. But you have to take the good with the bad. Monster Truck shows, and German fecal art alike. (Personally, I'm more offended by the Monster Trucks.)

Come on now...if you have an ounce of testosterone I know you will get into monster trucks. There is just something about destruction with abnormally large vehicles that gets the old heart pumping.

Nope, sorry, I don't have a mullet. JK! :wink:

Mullets are only required at the canadian circuits :lol:
RE: May I just point out...

I personally believe that Art, monster truck shows, concerts, and all the rest of it will still be around if I don't have to pay for them with my tax dollars. The city-run civic centers and the like are money makers, it's not like the cities built them without dollar signs in their eyes. As for museums, I don't see why they couldn't be independantly funded... heck if the USPS can do it so can they.

That said, things are as they are and museums are paid for through tax dolars. I think it's a shame that any decent museum would close while money gets wasted in so many other places (like public schools -- haha just kidding)

It's a civic pride thing too. You never hear a person say something like, "I sure do like El Paso Texas for the Museums."

All large cities like to boast and brag about how much there city has to offer. San Fran, New York, Chicago, even LA. All of the tier two towns (in terms of population) like Denver, Cleveland, Phoenix, are all about civic improvement, in trying to compete. Detroit has yet to jump on that bandwagon.