This Evenings Trail Run!


New member

Had a few to spare so my Son Will and I went up to Bailey Hollow for a quick run. Here is a couple of pics. Hope you enjoy these are only a quarter mile from home or so. Tug


All bright and shinny!


If you dodge the mud holes you save several dollars and do not tick off the car wash folks for maken a mess!


This actually pretty dang steep! Was alot more fun in the snow last winter. hehehehe


Rounding the Bend! Will is taken the Pics


Everything is in Bloom in the Hills!

Not the Rubicon but it beats nothing at all. We have fun and are blessed to have such a place to get out and enjoy. Tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, May 13, 2003 - 04:21 PM[addsig]


it sure is nice to have trails near the house ! i have a bunch that run near my homestead also. one starts about 1/8 of a mile from my driveway. sure beats livin in the city.[addsig]


yeah.. having a nice trail near the house is a grand luxury... god bless the lumberjacks that have paved them for us[addsig]

In that last pic, I can almost see the infamous Tug!

Awesome pics, anything beats nothing, I havn't been wheelin in like two weeks. Too many gosh darn graduations, b- day's, mothers day, Planning for the end of my life (wedding), Closing on a house.

Closest legal wheelin for me is about 1/2 hour drive, so not readily accessable.

just venting

Congrads onthe Wedding! It's not the end of your life just your freedom in it! hehehehe All kidding aside best of luck and all the happy things to boot. Tug :-D [addsig]