The Final Goodbye...A Loss...

A Tribute:

I said a final goodbye to a friend today. The burial ceremony was brief yet dignified. In attendance was he that loved him most.

It was one of those cases where people say, "it was for the best."

Duncan is in his grave;
After lifes fitful fever he sleeps well;
Treason has done his worst; nor steel, nor poison,
Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing
Can touch him further

Ravaged -- down to skin and bones, a mere shadow his former self, it was indeed a blessing in disguise.

O grave! where is thy victory?
O death! where is thy sting?

He sleeps now in eternal peace. Rest Ye well, my friend.

All was ended now, the hope, the fear and
the sorrow,
All the aching of heart, the restless, un-
satisfied longing,
All the dull, deep pain, and constant an-
guish of patience!

Slumber eternally, friend,
in thy Hefty-Bag shroud,
In tribute to thee,
we burp aloud,
Next year, I will make a
friend another,
And by then, I will have ate
your brother.

Farewell, Mr. Turkey, 2003,
Rest Ye well in yonder landfill.

In loving memory of ...


dude, you buried your turkey? my family usually just eats it...

You trickster you,I thought you had a best companion die.I must admit,I am laughing so hard that I need to catch my breath.Funny Man you are Gadget! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Sully
If at my end only yet one will paint such art for me. that is one lucky ol bird indeed! tug

dude you are just not right! hehehehe tug
Finally finnished that thanksgiving turkey huh?? RECORD TIME!!!!! My Family usually eats bird for 2 or 3 weeks LOL