That's why they call me Big Papa


New member
Well at about 5:10pm today my first child was born. A little girl, her name is Mallory. 8lbs and 20" long. She is without a doubt the most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever seen in my life. I am a happy man.

congrats to you and your significate other. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Congrats man! The birth of children is an amazing thing. Try to remember that when they are 2 - seriously though Congratulations!!!!!

Thanks all. The smile still hasn't left my face. I was going to post pics tonight when I came home to feed the pets, but I left the camera at the hospital. She comes home tomorrow and I'll probably be taking pics and videos for three days expect some, whether you want them or not.
That's awesome man!!! Congrats to you and yours!


Doesn't it make you look at the world in a whole new way?

8 lbs, 20"

That's a big baby. Aren't you glad you're a man :lol:

Congratulations! You are going to love being a daddy. Although, the first 6 weeks can be hell. No sleep, crying, fussing, bottles etc. Enough about your wife, the baby can be a handful also. :lol: But after that, it gets better with each milestone. At least it has up to 2 1/2 years old.

And it's true about the old cliche, "Enjoy it, it goes by SO fast".

Congrats, Junk! Hope you were there to see the birth. Watching my son being born was the greatest thing I have ever experienced - it's truly a miracle.
way cool.. good luck with your advanture... I hope you got lots of sleep int hepast month cause you won't sleep much for the next one....
Congratulations. It's so refreshing to see a proud papa, actually all of them around here. Those with loser fathers can appreicate it. :roll:


Congratulations! That will be one of the greatest days in you life....I know that the births of my two sons were two of the greatest days in my life. It is awesome being a father.
Awesome! Great News, (since you have a beautiful girl, I would look into renewing your GUN liscence by the time she starts dating!!)


You rock!
Glad to know you have happy health child. Life just changes again for you. Spoil it love it and do what ever you can to make it strong in mind body and sprit! You think haven a new child is great just wait till they leave home and do something with their lives. Now that too sure make one proud. tug