That's my boy...(updated)


New member
this is Taylor, he is 8 yrs old.

Not yet a full 1 year wrestling, but made the "A" team to compete in tournaments. He is wrestling up a weight (65 lb. class) while he weighs only 57 lbs. The 60lb. spot is held by last years state champion, so the coach told him he could try for 65. He challenged and beat the 62 lb. kid who held the spot (also first year).

Here he was in his first match this past Sunday against the South West Baltimore team:
He got the take down, then the pin:


I knew nothing about wrestling a year ago, and never had any interest in it, but what an exiting sport! Man those matches stress me out :shock:

Okay, thanks for letting me brag about my eldest!
RE: Fuel system...

I'll tell ya, TC, that's the baddest sport going (high school-wize). I played football in high school - went through the "2-a-days" in the middle of August. I also wrestled freshman year.......there is nothing more demanding in this world than wrestling practice!! (except, of course, the meet!). Unbelievable how much that takes out of ya'!! Be proud! that's a good kid!
I love all of your posts about your family. Brings warmth to the site!

Mud is right. I wrestled in HS and boy that's rough. I took 3rd in state my Senior year. I've never run sooo much, or worked soooo hard except for maybe kickboxing and mixed martial arts. It will certainly discipline your young man!!

Tell him congrats for me too!!

oh i did a little wrestling back in high school... i tell ya.. it takes quite some agility to do that stuff... no way i could do it now
I too did some wrestling back in high school (mainly with the ladies wink wink) but I was also on the school team. We had three 100+ win wrestlers on my team my freshman year. I got my butt kicked plenty of times, but it was a great experience. You learn toughness and self confidence very fast.

THAT will be very helpful come college time :wink: . My congrats to him and to his parents for providing the genes :D . Sports is the grease for college and fun if he goes to a college close by.

My son played hockey through high school and was a lot of fun going to those games or events. :wink:
lol @ judged

Twisted, way cool! Congrats for your Taylor!

I had no experience with wrestling either until I watched my cousin in a tournament a few years ago, high school level. I was fascinated by it too.


Taylor is directly behind the coach with the navy hat.

Taylor placed 8th in this weeks State qualifier tournament. This means he will be 2nd alternate at the Maryland State Championship Tournament! Quite an honor since it's his first year of competition. Although he will most likely just watch at the State tourney, Taylor is still pretty excited that he even placed 8th and gets to go there. It's at the US Naval Acadamy and is quite an honor. It'll give him an idea what he'll be facing next year :wink:

It was a tough tournament this Sunday. His friend DJ (the former state champ mentioned in 1st post) took 7th.

9 of the 16 kids on his team that went placed (one just jumped in the pic :lol: )

You can't tell from the pics, but all the work they put him through he is actually showing definition in his muscles. I refuse to alter his diet like some knucklehead parents do, he just works out at practice but as hard as any of the captains do. He went from 57 lbs in the first pic to 61.8 in the second. There is a 2lb weight allowance... talk about cutting it close :shock:

I can't wait to see him hit a baseball this year :twisted:
RE: heater box question

hey harry good to hear about your son(thats the oen tahts liek tarzan right?) lol remember taht day out on cedar? lol good times ya man glad to hear you guys are doing good o and i finally got my jeep back on teh road! locked f&r well have to go out on mohrs lane sometime drop me a line sometime
RE: Re: RE: Diff Questions

Yeah, I remember him pole vaulting that creek :lol:

So are you keeping it now? If so, good ;)

Thats awsome. congrats to you and your son. I am not a WWE fan but the real wrestling is great. Its a wonderful sport that doesnt get too much attention. I was actually sitting next to one of the medics of the US Olympic Wrestling team in the airport this weekend. He was coming back from a 2 week tourney in Cuba. He had some good stories. Keep on winning.
That's great! I love to see the kids doing good. Keep us up to date and pics when he gets into The Academy.
RE: Non-Jeep question, bu trying to help a friend

Way to go Taylor!! Two of my sons wrestled in high school- way more nerve wracking to watch than football- especially when I heard their bones snap- I swear you could hear it all over the gym- but it is a great sport! They do get nuts about their weight- I figure that was mostly the coaches doing- he wanted them as heavy as they could be for their weight class and not one ounce heavier- and one year they even had their weight shaved into their heads- obviously not a girl's sport!

that last post was actually me- mudwoman- I wasn't paying attention. How is it that Mudman was logged in and him being gone the past two days??? Someone had a little "free" time at work!!