terry or raven please help


New member

can one of you 2 please kick out rich54auto? hes just messin around now (look at the winch buy thread) hes like sully/jeeper411 in one of his more immature moments and like that kid who was whining about his dog. hes not adding anything hes just turning our beloved message board into ..... something bad ~ thanks[addsig]

ok, yall dont be asses, he was tryin to got some of us a good deal on a winch.... yall just need to calm down[addsig]


He started off with what looked to be good intentions, but then the name calling was just ridiculous. When he said this.... "I thought this was a Jeepers page. Serious wheelers, unless you all have winches this is unreal. Ok I quit I'm going back to 4X4 wire where the real Jeepers are" that's when I finally thought, enough is enough. He needs to change his attitude, like Sully has, or leave. I'm on enough boards where there are idiots. I like this one because there aren't instigators here!
